Monthly origination – Check the latest stats for April 2018 here

Welcome to the monthly origination post for April 2018, here we go in to detail about the distribution of investments that were made and some interesting stats per country of origin. If you missed March’s post, you can check it out here. The total amount invested in the platform in April 2018 was €3,051,509, a reduction of 2.5% since the previous month. At the time of writing, Bondora now has 35,529 investors.

Loan Origination by country

While the distribution of investments by country were similar to the previous months, there were some slight changes again. Estonia still has the highest share of investments at 67.54%, an increase of over 1% since the previous month and the highest share seen this year. In comparison, the share in Finland has decreased again by over 1% to 26.1%, approximately 5% lower compared to the 31.06% share in February.

In Spain, we are now seeing a slightly lower share than last month at 6.37% of the total, or €194,234. Even though the share decreased, the average interest rate in Spain also decreased by approximately 2% whereas the figures increased by roughly 0.5% in Estonia. In Finland, the average interest rate also increased by 3% compared to the previous month.


Share by rating, country and amount

The table below contains the weighted average interest rate, total amount and share per country of origination and rating. Here are some key takeaway’s we can see:

  • Loans graded with a ‘D’ rating account for the highest share of investments at 19.62% of the total, closely followed by ‘C’ rated loans at 19.32%.
  • ‘HR’ rated loans had the lowest percentage originated at 1.83% of the total share (a further decrease since last month), slightly higher was AA rated loans at 2.64%.
  • Finnish ‘F’ rated loans account for the highest share in the country’s total originations at 48.11%, approximately 5% higher than the previous month
  • Across lower risk loans (AA-B), the average interest rate is the lowest in Finland in all cases
  • The lowest average interest rate across all countries was seen in AA rated loans in Finland at 9.41%, the highest being HR rated loans in Spain at 72.66%
  • 93.93% of the total share in Spain consists of F and HR rated loans, nearly 2% lower than last month.


What conclusions can you draw from this data? We would love to hear them, leave us a comment below and let us know.

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