Secondary Market Transactions Decreased 1.5% in May

In May, secondary market transactions on Bondora were down slightly. The total secondary market transactions came to €734,419, down 1.5% compared to last month. Manual transactions saw the biggest drop, down 17.1% to €224,628. Alternatively, API transactions rose substantially, up 53.1% to €171,034.

Secondary market total volume - June 2019

Current Loans

Over the month of May, current loan transactions remained relatively unchanged, up slightly to €681,363. The biggest change in current loan transactions was 24.7% jump in loans purchased at a premium. Overall, current loan transactions accounted for 92.8% of all secondary market transactions on Bondora.

Secondary Market current loans - June 2019

Overdue Loans

Overdue loan transactions were down slightly to €25,448. Out of all overdue loan transactions, 74.1% were purchased at a discount. Both par and premium transactions on overdue loans remained relatively negligible.

Secondary Market overdue loans - June 2019

Defaulted Loans

The overwhelming majority (93.8%) of defaulted loan transactions were purchased at a discount. Total defaulted loan transactions in May came to €27,607, down 23.4% compared to April.

Secondary Market defaulted loans - June 2019

Transactions Decrease, But Show Positive Signs

While Bondora’s secondary market experienced its second straight month of declines in overall transactions, there is reason to believe investors remain optimistic about Bondora loans. API transactions rose substantially. Also, more current loans were purchased at a premium this month, signaling investors on the secondary market are optimistic about Bondora loans, and willing to pay a premium to obtain them.

As always, investing in the secondary market can be risky, and you should always learn as much as possible before attempting to buy and sell loans on the secondary market. Investors should not seek higher returns from buying and selling loans on the Bondora secondary market.

You can learn more about the Bondora secondary market here, or contact an experienced Investor Relations Associate at

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