4,439 New Investors, Over €60M Returns Earned, & More December Stats!

We’re celebrating a fruitful 2021, and we are excited to see what 2022 brings. But first, let’s take one last look at the overall statistics of December 2021. We had the highest number of new investors joining us in December—a total of 4,439, to be exact!

Both originations and investments fell slightly but maintained impressive numbers, nonetheless. We recovered more loans but saw a slight decline in cash collected. We’re also celebrating passing the €60M milestone in total returns earned by our investors. All in all, it was a good, if somewhat slower, month than November.

In December, 4,439 new investors signed up to Bondora, the highest number for 2021! This brings the total number of investors to 185,391 people. Our total investments have increased to €522M—up more than €28M from November. Investors have also earned more than €61M in returns in total.

November still holds the crown for the month with the most loan originations in 2021, as December’s loan originations fell slightly. €16,678,471’s worth of loans were originated on Bondora in December. Finland still holds the largest loan percentage share, making up 56.2%. Estonian loans make up 43.7% of the loan portfolio, and Spanish loans 1,1%.

As anticipated, Secondary Market activity saw a slight decline in transactions after increasing in November. This see-sawing pattern has been well-established throughout 2021. The total value of transactions on the market totaled €250,404 in December, which is a 2.6% decrease from November.

API Portfolio Manager transactions decreased, but Manual transactions increased by 25.9%.

We ended off 2021 with a good month of collection and recovery. We recovered 73,962 default payments, resulting in €855,788 cash collected. As we’ve seen throughout the last few months, the Bailiff stage is responsible for the most cash recovered, by far.

We had a solid month in product funding, despite declines from November. €16,511,772 was invested across the platform in December—an 18.6% decline from November. It is no surprise that Go & Grow has the most funding, a total of €15,336,970. This makes up a 93% share of all investments. Portfolio Manager has the 2nd biggest share (3.9%) with €659,364 invested.

Product funding figures:

Go & Grow                      – 18.0%

Portfolio Manager          – 10.7%

Portfolio Pro                  – 34.0%

API                                 – 23.0%

In a nutshell:

Although we did not break our all-time origination record in December, we’re very excited to start setting new records in 2022. The sustainable numbers and growth we had in 2021 give us more reason to work on big things for the future.

Thank you for making 2021 a fantastic year! We will keep building the best online platform to manage your wealth, and we’ll continue giving you the must-know stats from the Bondora portfolio every month.

If you enjoy these breakdowns, follow our blog for weekly, more in-depth analyses of the Bondora market. Every month we take a detailed look at aspects like:

  • Loan originations
  • Collection and recoveries
  • Product funding
  • Secondary Market

So, stay tuned to better determine your investment strategy, loan portfolio preferences, and more.

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