Bondora Rating profitable since inception

Here at Bondora we are committed to providing our investors the information they need for investing on our platform. We hope that this performance update helps to further understand the returns that you get from investing on Bondora.


  • All countries have been profitable since introduction of Bondora Rating in January 2015
  • Returns in Estonia have been steady, whilst returns in Finnish and Spanish loans have been continuously increasing and have caught up with Estonia by now
  • Most of our country-grade segments (other than B, C and D rating in Spain before 2nd generation of Bondora Rating) have produced returns in line or above the expected return

Actual and targeted Bondora net returns by grade and country

Actual and targeted Bondora net returns by grade and country - EstoniaEstonia AA A B C D E F HR ALL
Actual 14,90% 14,96% 17,21% 20,62% 25,47% 29,32% 30,96% 26,46% 21,76%
Target 12,98% 13,82% 14,30% 15,74% 18,51% 20,34% 23,14% 23,46% 16,88%
Actual 15,09% 10,33% 16,56% 18,73% 26,34% 24,71% 37,62% 30,05% 20,86%
Target 13,11% 13,83% 14,26% 15,96% 18,47% 20,49% 23,06% 23,62% 16,81%
Actual 14,76% 15,63% 17,18% 21,06% 23,06% 31,20% 36,75% 37,98% 23,17%
Target 13,09% 13,84% 14,27% 15,85% 18,39% 20,32% 23,15% 23,85% 17,21%
Actual 13,71% 15,09% 16,31% 19,95% 25,25% 23,37% 31,58% 42,07% 22,35%
Target 12,20% 13,17% 13,81% 15,50% 17,59% 18,41% 21,29% 20,83% 16,65%
Actual 10,94% 11,69% 13,81% 18,32% 22,34% 26,98% 29,81% 35,51% 21,59%
Target 10,62% 11,32% 12,09% 14,38% 16,18% 17,51% 18,28% 17,96% 15,48%
Actual and targeted Bondora net returns by grade and country - SpainSpain AA A B C D E F HR ALL
Actual 2,06% -4,64% -3,10% 11,80% 19,92% 18,48% 13,85%
Target 12,61% 12,85% 14,39% 16,17% 18,32% 20,33% 17,69%
Actual -9,00% -6,41% 12,15% 22,91% 20,39% 14,28%
Target 12,80% 12,80% 14,36% 16,29% 18,32% 20,31% 17,56%
Actual 17,41% -9,37% 16,00% 22,65% 17,41% 15,63%
Target 13,01% 14,74% 16,20% 18,32% 20,31% 17,56%
Actual 21,50% -9,37% 15,27% 24,23% 18,81% 16,51%
Target 13,41% 14,93% 16,22% 17,85% 18,06% 17,07%
Actual 28,01% 30,46% 27,69% 28,19%
Target 14,61% 14,58% 13,93% 14,05%
Actual and targeted Bondora net returns by grade and country - FinlandFinland AA A B C D E F HR ALL
Actual 12,46% 12,02% 14,54% 18,42% 25,33% 38,06% 15,71%
Target 12,88% 13,33% 14,41% 16,58% 17,98% 20,90% 14,86%
Actual 8,53% 14,66% 16,36% 14,35% 13,22% 20,42% 14,80%
Target 12,88% 13,31% 14,70% 16,62% 18,04% 21,04% 15,41%
Actual 12,24% 13,85% 17,53% 19,88% 13,83% 29,39% 17,62%
Target 12,90% 13,28% 14,71% 16,49% 18,54% 20,81% 15,62%
Actual 1,64% 12,46% 19,57% 18,93% 14,85% 20,94% 17,27%
Target 12,89% 12,80% 14,49% 16,02% 16,86% 18,11% 15,23%
Actual 13,59% 15,27% 19,43% 24,82% 25,09% 14,49% 21,39%
Target 9,87% 11,22% 12,56% 13,44% 14,24% 14,40% 13,21%


  • In Estonia the average net return has firmly been between 20-24%.
  • The actual return has exceeded targeted return by 4-6 percentage points.
  • The Estonian loan portfolio has performed above target return, except for 2015 Q2 when A grade performed below targeted level.
  • We can see that the riskier the grade the higher the net return.
  • We can conclude that Estonian loans are performing 97,5% above target return.


  • In Spain the average net return has been between 13-17%.
  • C and D grades have performed negatively over some quarters.
  • F grade has shown the best performance.


  • In Finland the average net return has been between 15-22%.
  • The actual return has mostly outperformed targeted return, with the exception of 2015 Q2.
  • We can see that the riskier the grade the higher the net return.
  • The positive dynamics can be seen in 2016 Q1 when the actual return goes above 21%.

Actual and targeted Bondora net returns across portfolio per quarter

2015-Q1 2015-Q2 2015-Q3 2015-Q4 2016-Q1
Actual 17.93% 17.19% 19.29% 19.68% 22.48%
Target 16.34% 16.31% 16.63% 16.28% 14.66%

The returns are growing steadily and beating target returns. We are more aggressive with our collection processes and continuously keep improving our credit underwriting model.

Actual and targeted Bondora net returns across previous 7 years

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Country Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Target
EE 16.36% 29.12% 23.68% 22.96% 22.85% 23.38% 21.88% 16.88%
ES -4.69% 0.88% 14.73% 17.50%
FI 12.99% 13.78% 16.04% 15.30%
SK -4.09%
ALL 16.36% 29.12% 23.68% 22.96% 20.63% 14.95% 18.25% 16.40%

Bondora has seven years of data and track record available publicly since we launched in 2009 and that is something no other platform in the industry can demonstrate.

The history of Bondora Rating

Prior to 2015
Investors invested into loans across all countries based on the data and filters that were available on Bondora. There was neither risk-based pricing nor risk estimates from Bondora – investors had to decide themselves which loans seemed to have a good risk-return.
January 2015
1st generation of Bondora Rating and risk-based pricing for Bondora loans was introduced.
December 2015
2nd generation of Bondora Rating and risk-based pricing for Bondora loans was introduced.

In our previous Bondora portfolio performance update we also covered the advantages and objectives of Bondora Rating in more detail. If you’re interested – have a look HERE.

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