Can we always promise fast liquidity? Go & Grow risks – Part 2. (Video)

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All Go & Grow investors know and love being able to withdraw their money at short notice.

Before deciding to add this benefit, we analyzed cash flow data from a number of banks and investment funds – specifically during the global financial crisis of 2007-08. This, combined with our own data, helped us understand the continuous cash buffers that need to be in place to provide quick liquidity to investors.

Despite this, there’s still a risk that Bondora may not be able to meet withdrawal demand. In this scenario, your withdrawal will be processed in one of the two following ways, and whichever occurs first.

  1. You’ll receive your full withdrawal as soon as there’s enough money available in the Go & Grow account – generated by further returns or investments.
  2. You’ll receive a partial withdrawal once there’s enough balance available, and this will be paid out each banking day until the full amount has been fulfilled.

While this is, of course, unlikely, we want all Go & Grow investors to be aware of the risks and our action plans in place.  For a full description, check out the Go & Grow Terms of Use.

Už vás nebaví velké banky a jejich robotické způsoby?
Získejte od Bondory půjčku, kterou si zasloužíte.

  • Personalizovaná nabídka půjčky online do 60 sekund
  • Flexibilní možnosti splácení
  • Žádné skryté poplatky
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