Category: Financial Well-being

Financial well-being is the ability to meet your current and ongoing financial obligations, feel confident in your financial future, and have the freedom to make choices that contribute to your overall happiness.

9 (Surprising) Ways You Can Save on Electricity

Today's inflation is a serious and costly problem, but the exorbitant cost of energy has been a persistent thorn in the side of nearly every European. From 2020 to 2022, the energy price in Europe increased by roughly 300%, reaching all-time highs and squeezing Europeans' finances. Though you probably can't forgo energy use entirely, there…
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Millennials v Gen Z: Who’s Better at Investing?

If investing were a battleground, who would emerge the victor: Gen Z or millennials? The former are those born between 1997 and 2012, and millennials were born between 1981 and 1996. Each generation is equipped with unique tools and faces particular economic challenges, but it's how they use these tools and respond to these challenges…
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Scared of Investing? 5 Tips to Overcome Your Fear and Start Now

Changing your lifestyle can be difficult, and many of us are hesitant to take a chance on anything unfamiliar or uncertain. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about investing money, but are afraid of doing it wrong or losing money. Investing is a critical component of your financial health and can help you build wealth and attain…
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5 Ways to Save Money While Inflation is Rising

In May 2022, the average inflation rate in the EU reached a staggering 8.8%. While in France it didn’t exceed 6%, the 20% inflation rate in Estonia or the 15% one in the Czech Republic makes one wonder — will the situation stabilize? Here is the thing—whether it’s 6% or 20%—a growing inflation rate means…
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What is a Recession?

During the first half of 2022, fears of a recession seized headlines in Europe and the rest of the world. No one can predict the future, although many economists forecast an impending European recession. We often hear the word recession being thrown around casually, rarely with regard to what it means and why it is…
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How to Beat Inflation with 3 Easy Strategies

‘The silent killer of money’—a synonym for inflation, and enough reason to want to overcome it. And there’s a good reason for it. If left unchecked, inflation can erode the value of your euro, meaning everything you buy becomes more expensive. Ordinarily, a little inflation – roughly 2% annually – is a normal part of…
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7 Books You Want to Add to Your Summer Reading List

Summer is a great time to take a vacation, relax on the beach, and spend time with family and friends. It’s also a great time to catch up on reading, learn new things, and become a better you. Reading is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to educate and inspire yourself and can…
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July 2022: Fintech News Update

2022 has been an absolute roller coaster for fintech. With lingering inflation and a recession on the horizon, the rest of the year will likely be just as volatile for fintech companies and investors. But just how bad have things been for fintechs worldwide, and what’s driving the decline in what was one of the…
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What Is Euribor and Why You Should Care About It

Euribor, or Euro Interbank Offered Rate, is the average interest rate a group of European banks charges other banks to borrow money. Euribor rates are used as an index or reference rate across financial industries that use the euro, impacting everything from savings accounts and home and car loans to more complex derivatives trading instruments.…
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Why Are the Markets in Free Fall?

The first half of 2022 has proven a tough time for the stock market, investors, and publicly traded companies. After years of double-digit returns and high-flying times for tech stocks, the markets are finally experiencing a reckoning – and it’s proving to be exceedingly painful so far. Many investors want to know what’s behind the…
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