Category: Financial Well-being

Financial well-being is the ability to meet your current and ongoing financial obligations, feel confident in your financial future, and have the freedom to make choices that contribute to your overall happiness.

6 Financial Planning Tips for the Holiday Season

For most people, the holiday season is an exciting time to enjoy the company of family and friends. People travel, go shopping, decorate their homes, exchange gifts, and host dinner parties. Whatever your tradition is, one thing is sure—it involves spending money. While celebrating the holidays is a wonderful custom, it’s crucial to ensure your…
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Balancing Spending Today Versus Saving for Tomorrow

One of the most difficult financial decisions we are routinely faced with is spending the money we have today or saving it for the future. Naturally, we all have a desire to spend money. It buys us the things we want, from furniture and food to houses, cars, and vacations. While you might want to…
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5 Easy Ways to Control Your Spending this Holiday Season

The trees are throwing off their leaves, the colder weather is creeping in, and you know what that means… the festive season is around the corner! Before you know it, you will be making travel plans to see family, exchanging gifts, and eating festive meals. But the holidays can get expensive. So, before you get…
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3 Ways Your Financial Decisions Can Impact Climate Change

In recent years, our financial decisions have been driven by far more than simply the best price. People consider ethical trading, sustainability practices, and of course, the impact on the environment, specifically climate change. Despite more attention to the rapidly changing climate, many people still don't think about how their financial decisions directly impact climate…
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Do You Really Need an Emergency Fund?

Yes, you really do. It can’t be overstated: having an emergency fund is one of the most important financial decisions you can make. Before you think about investing or putting your money at risk, you would be wise to ensure your security with an emergency fund in the case of an extraordinary event. Think you…
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See Which Big Companies Are Embracing the Fintech Revolution

If you can’t beat them, join them. This seems to be the prevailing sentiment for large financial institutions, which embrace the role of technology in finance rapidly. Whether it be through their own development or via acquisitions, large financial players are making waves in the world of fintech. These recent moves point to the growing…
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Turn a New Financial Leaf

The leaves are changing color, and the days are getting shorter. Yes, autumn is in full swing. It might be sad to see the summer end, but that doesn’t mean the year is over just yet. You still have plenty of time to turn your finances around with our five financial fixes. 1. Make time…
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COVID and Consumer Spending: The Changes No One Could See Coming

The coronavirus pandemic shook the world to its core. In an instant, everything changed, and both businesses and consumers would never be the same. What resulted was a total shift in how people spent their money. The question now remains, will these changes be temporary or long outlive the pandemic itself? Here are some of…
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How the Biggest Fintechs Got to Where They Are Today

Fintech giants aren't born overnight. They require years of blood, sweat, and tears from their founders to incubate an idea and turn it into a reality. The biggest fintech companies of this decade began as big ideas; a better way to transact across borders, easier commerce for mobile and digital payments, and simpler digital banking…
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3 Ways that Pocket Money Can Help Your Kids Become Money Masters

Knowing how to manage your money is a vital life skill that everyone needs. And as a parent or guardian, you have a huge role to play in preparing your children for the big world that awaits them. Teaching them about money from a young age can help solidify the finance fundamentals early on in…
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