Category: Financial Well-being

Financial well-being is the ability to meet your current and ongoing financial obligations, feel confident in your financial future, and have the freedom to make choices that contribute to your overall happiness.

5 Tech Trends That Will Revolutionize Our Near Future

Technology has come so far in the past couple of years. Things we didn’t think would be possible in the year 2000 are now the norm. And things we can’t even think of today might be commonplace in 10 years. The rate at which technology is advancing is faster than ever before, facilitating new and…
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Frugal living and how it can help you save money

“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.” - Charles Dickens The term ‘frugal’ often has a negative connotation. But in reality, frugal living is a great way to turn a little into a life of abundance. By…
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Let’s Talk about Inflation and How You Can Beat It

Inflation. In the past year, you’ve probably heard everyone, from central bankers to heads of state, discuss inflation. That’s because it has become a hot topic of conversation and financial experts and the general public are worrying about inflation. This economic factor, if left unchecked, can leave individuals with less purchasing power over time, thereby…
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Recent notable fintech mergers and acquisitions

The fintech industry is filled with promising startups, established companies, and everything in between. There’s one thing all these enterprises have in common; their desire to grow. One way that companies grow is to acquire competitors or companies offering complementary services to their own. Recently, there has been a slew of notable mergers and acquisitions…
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3 Simple Ways to Grow Your Net Worth

Before we dive in, let’s get one very important point across: Increasing your net worth doesn’t necessarily mean increasing your job income. In fact, there are a variety of ways you can increase your net worth and build a better financial future for you and your family. Here are 3 simple ways to grow your…
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Stressing about Money? Here Are 5 Tips to Beat Financial Stress

Money. It’s something almost everyone stresses about. Whether you have enough or are living paycheck to paycheck—there always seems to be a reason to feel worried about it. Whether you are bad at saving money, have a hard time getting a raise at work, or are spending money on unnecessary expenses, money can be stressful.…
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5 Tax-friendly Countries You’ll Want to Move to ASAP

Did you know that for most individuals around the world, the biggest yearly expense is taxes? Sure, some tax payments make sense, as they go to funding public services like schools, roads, hospitals, and infrastructure. However, you might live in one of the countries where taxes are extremely high and take away earnings from your…
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What are SPACs, and why have they become so popular?

In the world of startups and venture capital, the ultimate goal for many founders is to eventually grow so large to be listed on a public stock exchange via an initial public offering (IPO). While that goal is still present, there is another onramp to the public markets that were previously less used but are…
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🦄 The New Fintech Unicorns of 2021

The fintech industry continues to make major strides in disrupting traditional financial markets. Fintech startups like PayPal, Stripe, and Venmo all started by bootstrapping their ideas and turning themselves into significant players in the global economy. These startup companies that have grown to over $1 billion in valuation are known as unicorns because they are…
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How to Take Your Summer Holiday Without Going Broke

Now that the coronavirus has cooled off and the weather is heating up, many people are getting ready to take their summer holidays. So dust off your maps and get your swimming trunks on, because your next holiday trip awaits. But before you break the bank on a lavish trip, why not explore the ways…
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