Introducing custom filters and columns

The new custom columns and filters give you better control of your investments on Bondora. Investors are now able to personalize how they see the Primary Market, Secondary Market and Investments page. This is achieved with the option to select a range of filters and columns that fit the investor and hide all the unnecessary information from the daily view.

You are in charge

With the custom columns and filters functionality you decide what are the data points you like to see and what to hide. Basically we are giving the layout control to the investors and as a result only the relevant information will be visible. We used the same custom filtering approach on the Cash Flow page and it was warmly welcomed in the peer-to-peer lending community.

More flexibility, less hassle

1. You can choose which columns to show and which to hide
2. You can change the order of the columns
3. Your preferences will be saved automatically
4. If you don’t use the chosen filter you can remove it

We covered the functionality in this short overview video. Have a look!

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  • Personalizovaná nabídka půjčky online do 60 sekund
  • Flexibilní možnosti splácení
  • Žádné skryté poplatky
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