Investments and Originations Topped €23M Each

March statistics set new all-time highs for investments and loan originations. Both topped €23 million. Increasing by 21.2%, loan originations totaled a record-breaking €23,300,618. And investments increased by 12.6% to a total of €23,256,640. Read on for more:

Investments and originations topped €23 million each.
Investments and originations topped €23 million each.

Investment by product

Reaching a new record-high, investments rose by 12.6%, equaling €23,256,640. Go & Grow received €23,204,495, increasing from €18,652,183.

Due to the closure of Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro, these two products will not get any future new investments and will not be included in this graph.

On the other hand, the API remains open and saw a growth spurt from €10,655 to €51,712. We can expect this growth to continue, but Go & Grow will likely have the overwhelmingly largest share of investments.

Investment by product – March 2023
Investment by product – March 2023

Naturally, after the closure of Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro, their shares of investments are now virtually 0. And as a result, you’ll mostly see Go & Grow’s 99% share. The API makes up the remaining share:

Investment by product – February 2023
Investment by product – February 2023
Investment by product – March 2023
Investment by product – March 2023

Loan originations overview

Loan originations have been rising, hitting a record-high peak in March with €23,300,618—the highest origination amount in Bondora history. The majority of originations came from Finland, totaling €17,404,146. All the different markets increased, except for Spain.

Loans by country

Finland continues to have the largest share of all our loan markets. It increased its origination total by 25.1% to €17,404,146, equal to a 74.7% share.

In contrast to their decline in February, Estonian originations increased by 11.8%, totaling €4,691,713, a 20.1% share.

The Dutch market continues to grow by 91.0% to €373,397 in loan originations. This accounts for a 1.6% share.

Spanish market loan originations declined in March by 9.9% to €831,362. This equals a 3.6% share.

Loan interest rates

The average interest rate remained consistent at 19.5%. The average Spanish interest rate remains at 21.8%. In Finland, it also remained consistent at 19.7%. Estonia’s average interest rate increased to 19.2%. The Dutch market average interest rate increased by 0.3% to 9.5%.

Origination by country – March 2023
Origination by country – March 2023

Loan risk-rating categories

C-rated loans are the most populated risk-rating category in Estonia and Finland.

C-rated loans decreased from 31.5% in Finland, and D-rated loans increased from 21.1% to 23.8%.

In Spain, we made internal risk-scoring calculation changes and are consolidating C and D-rated loans into E and F-rated loans. This process is still ongoing and will give you a more realistic picture of our portfolio.

In the Netherlands, only A-rated loans are currently originated, taking a 1.6% total share, up 0.6% from February.

You can view the changes from February to March by comparing the two graphs below:

Origination by rating/country – February 2023
Origination by rating/country– February 2023
Origination by rating/country – March 2023
Origination by rating/country– March 2023

Please note we will not continue this Investment Funding and Originations Monthly blog post series due to the change in our investment products. The loan information and other vital statistics you will find in the Overall Stats posts that are published once a month. Or you can head to our public statistics page for the daily updated stats.

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