Bondora stories: Meet Uwe, an Event Manager from Germany

1. Tell us about yourself and what you do for fun.

My name is Uwe Vinzelberg. I am 47 years old and a father of two sons, I work as an Event Manager and as a hobby I like to ride my bike, play table tennis and travel.

2. What made you start investing with Bondora? Are you investing for something specific?

Bondora is an innovative, creative platform that allows borrowers and investors to build a win-win situation. It supports a fast borrowing process for borrowers and the investor achieves an above-average return, which I consider to be very positive for both parties.

3. What were your goals when you started and what is your net return today?

My goal with Bondora is to generate an additional source of income and to support innovative, creative ideas. My annual net return is between 17 and 18%, which Bondora and I can be proud of.

4. What service do you use?

I use Portfolio Pro, which gives me everything I need to invest successfully with Bondora. Portfolio Manager is very simple and easy for anyone to understand, for me personally it is the most effective tool, Bondora offers.

5. If you could give any advice to someone starting out with Bondora, what would it be?

 A new investor should start with Portfolio Pro and adjust his investments to one Euro and deal with the platform every day. To succeed with Bondora, an investor might invest additionally every day small amounts like five euros via Sofort now Klarna and the whole strategy should be followed for at least 3-4 years.

6. Do you think Germans invest differently to other Europeans? If so, how and why?

Yes, the Germans are still very cautious with investments. They prefer to leave their principal on the account or money market account, which does not help or support in anyway. It would be better if Germans would take more care of their finances, in the way it is done in other EU countries already.

Už vás nebaví velké banky a jejich robotické způsoby?
Získejte od Bondory půjčku, kterou si zasloužíte.

  • Personalizovaná nabídka půjčky online do 60 sekund
  • Flexibilní možnosti splácení
  • Žádné skryté poplatky
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