Missing Go & Grow transfer – Bondora (Video)

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If you’ve made a bank transfer to your Go & Grow account and you can’t find it there after three days, it’s possible that you made the transfer to your main account Available funds.

If this is you, no worries. You can transfer the money from your available funds to your Go & Grow account. Simply click the Add money tab from your main menu and in

Step 1: select Bondora

Step 2: select the Go & Grow account you want to transfer the money to

Step 3: enter the amount and confirm. The money will then be transferred to your Go & Grow account.

That’s it for now. Thanks for watching and remember to click the subscribe button for more videos. Until next time, keep investing and bye for now.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75%. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

Už vás nebaví velké banky a jejich robotické způsoby?
Získejte od Bondory půjčku, kterou si zasloužíte.

  • Personalizovaná nabídka půjčky online do 60 sekund
  • Flexibilní možnosti splácení
  • Žádné skryté poplatky
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Jedná se o finanční službu. Prostudujte si prosím naše podmínky na bondora.ee a v případě potřeby se poraďte s odborníkem.