Bondora helps even more investors diversify in August

After Go & Grow’s remarkable rise in July, there’s a new product taking the lead in investors’ hearts. Portfolio Manager has seen an increase in funding last month, contrasting to the other Bondora products, which saw a reduction. Overall funding in August totaled €2,763,081, a decrease of 9% compared to July’s numbers. More investors have chosen Portfolio Manager in August to help them invest and diversify with ease.

August saw Portfolio Manager grow in popularity
August saw Portfolio Manager grow in popularity.

After growing 5.2% in funding in July, Portfolio Manager saw a new increase of 4.3% this month, holding the pole position as the best performing product in August. Portfolio Pro went in the opposite direction and fell 9% this month to €889,079, while Go & Grow (€792,984, -17.4%) and the API (€94,622, -38.5%) followed suit. This decline, however, doesn’t come as such a big surprise, as these 3 products skyrocketed in July and have now stabilized after their growth spurt.

Value of investments by product August 2020
Value of investments by product August 2020

The chart below shows the share of funding each product took this month. Following the almost even split among the 3 most popular products in July, we can see that this month, Go & Grow felt a bit out of favor, obtaining 29%, while Portfolio Manager was catapulted to the first position with a majority 36% share. As it also secured the biggest growth month-on-month, we can say it was a good 31 days for Portfolio Manager-fans!

August saw Portfolio Manager rise to the top Aug 2020
August saw Portfolio Manager rise to the top.
In contrast all 3 of the biggest products were close to an even distribution in July
In contrast all 3 of the biggest products were close to an even distribution in July

Sustainability at our core

Bondora is currently focusing on its sustainability instead of rushing for exponential growth rates. We are happy to inform that the return of up to 6.75%* p.a. for Go & Grow continues to be a stronghold and flagship benefit for all investors to enjoy. We fully expect this to continue for the foreseeable future.

Read more about Go & Grow and other Bondora investment products here.

Go & Grow helps investors live out their dreams

When it comes to investing, we believe in simplicity. And there are very few investment options simpler than Go & Grow.

To start investing, all you have to do is set up a non-binding investment plan (which you can change at any time), add money to your account and then you’re done! The return rate will be up to 6.75%* per year and the rest is up to Bondora. You don’t need daily management of your account. Oh, and did we mention there are no management fees 😉 How great is that?!

plan your investments and you re set
Choose a name for your account, plan your investments and you’re set!

Achieving the financial future of your dreams (or making your loved ones’ dreams come true) is easier than ever with Go & Grow; a tool suitable for all types of investors to help you invest with confidence!

Want to start investing now? Read more about Go & Grow here.

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