Category: Stats & Data

Over €2.2M recovered: New 2022 Collection Record

Our cash recovered increased by 174.6% to €2,204,584. This is one of our highest figures in history and a new record for 2022! As in April, the majority was recovered from Estonia (€1,628,524). In contrast to April, when we set a new record for the number of missed payments recovered, this figure decreased in May…
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Secondary Market Activity Rebounds in May

Secondary Market activity increased for the first time since March, marking a turn in the tide. It grew by an astounding 21.5% to €182,665 transacted. Manual transactions remain the strongest category. Read more: In May, all the categories increased. Portfolio Manager leads the charge with an 87.3% increase compared to April. API transactions followed with…
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Bondora Finalizes Successful Sale of Defaulted Estonian Loans

At Bondora, we are always improving and making investing easier and better for you. So, we are happy to inform you that in April 2022, we have finalized a sale of old, defaulted loans in our Estonian portfolio. This has a significantly positive impact on our portfolio and our investors. Read more on what it…
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New Record Number of Recoveries in April

Even though our cash recoveries declined in April, the number of recovered loans increased. Across all countries, recovered missed payments increased by 2.3% to 79,281. This means we have a new record for the most missed payments recovered! Read more: In March, we had stellar recovery rates with a 61.6% increase in cash recovered. But…
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2022 Q1 Portfolio Performance Continues Strongly

2022 Q1's portfolio performance continues to build on last month's momentum. We're seeing solid growth in all three markets. The yearly return rates for all three markets continue to exceed their target rates. The majority of quarterly rates for 2021 decreased from last month, but they remain ahead of their targets. Read more: Yearly performance…
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New 2022 High: Over €15M Originated & Invested

In April, both originations and investment funding grew strong and set new highs for 2022. Loan originations increased by 7.2% to €15,697,955 and investments by 7.3% to €15,548,882. Take a closer look at how the figures increased from March. The total value of investments trumped the previous 2022 record high. A total of €15,548,882 was…
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Downward Trend in Secondary Market Activity

March's increase in transactions was a brief uptick in Secondary Market activity, as transactions declined again in April by 9.5%. A total of €150,328 was transacted on the Secondary Market. Read more: All the categories showed a decrease in growth, except for Portfolio Manager transactions, which increased by 8.9% from March. This is its 2nd…
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First Look at 2022 Q1 Portfolio Performance

With the first quarter behind us, we now have the first chance to look at the 2022 Q1 portfolio performance. And it's off to a solid start; the yearly return rates for all three markets are outperforming their targets. The quarterly rates for 2021 all increased substantially from last month too. Read more: Yearly performance…
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New Highs for 2022 Collection & Recoveries

The collection and recovery efforts in March set new record highs for 2022. The cash collected increased by a whopping 61.6% from February, totaling €1,249,637. And 77,471 missed payments were recovered, which is the highest number in Bondora's history! Read more: February was the first time in 6 months that the number of payments recovered…
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New Origination & Investment Highs for 2022

In March, a total of €14,496,204 was invested on Bondora. This is the highest amount invested for 2022 thus far and a 4.0% increase from February. Loan originations increased by 3.6%, totaling €14,643,367 in March. This is also the highest amount originated in 2022 so far! Read more: In contrast to February, when only Portfolio…
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