Go & Grow payment limit: How much can I add to Go & Grow?

On the 9th of September 2020 we implemented a temporary sustainability measure to help ensure that everyone can get the opportunity to grow their money with Go & Grow.

Bondora focuses on sustainability

We’re thrilled that over 135,000 investors have signed up to Bondora, but we’re focusing on sustainability, not exponential growth. And because more and more investors want to benefit from Go & Grow, we have implemented a €1,000 Go & Grow payment limit, per investor, per month. This is to ensure that we can deliver on our promise of a net return of up to 6.75% p.a. as well as the opportunity for everyone to grow their money online. Which is why Bondora was started in the first place.

We can’t say how long this limit will be in effect, but we can assure you that all our decisions are made to make sure you can invest on the most secure platform with long-term growth and sustainability in mind.

If you want to know more about the €1,000 Go & Grow payment limit, you can read our blogpost article, or support articles.

Bondora monthly video recap

Remember to subscribe to our channel for more videos. Until next time, thanks for watching, keep investing and bye for now.

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