Investments topped €15M over the festive season

Over the holiday season, Bondora kept up with its originations, which totaled €15,972,966 in December. For the second straight month Portfolio Manager grew, this time higher by 8.4% to €2,007,383. Portfolio Pro also grew, up to €3,026,054. Meanwhile, it was Go & Grow which saw the only decrease in originations, lower by 13.7% to €10,785,295 in December.

Investment by product - December 2019

Portfolio Pro & Portfolio Manager step up

This marks the third month of a continued trend for Bonora products. Go & Grow, while still the most widely used product, slightly decreased its share of the total investment on Bondora. Portfolio Pro and Portfolio Manager both continue to grow. All told, Go & Grow lost 4% of its share to 68%. Both Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro grew their shares by 2%, up to 12% and 19% respectively.

Share by product - Nov 2019
Share by product - Dec 2019

Growing investor confidence

The growth of both Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro displays a higher appetite for hands-on investing. Both products provide investors a more customized and personal investing experience, but also require more time to navigate. However, the overall share of these products is still much lower than Go & Grow, which continues to dominate investor demand.

Learn more about the different Bondora investment options here.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75% p.a. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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