Monthly finance industry news from October 2017

Bondora in the news

The Independent reported a record number of trade marks were registered in 2016 by financial services firms. They say “The use of trade marks in financial services is popular because it is relatively easy for competitors to copy financial products, meaning that they can become commoditized”.


Gründerszene interviewed Bondora’s CEO & Founder, Pärtel Tomberg, who discussed our German investor based and future plans. When discussing our goals, Pärtel said “We want to offer a product where anyone in Europe can borrow and lend”.


Les Échos also interviewed our CEO & Founder, discussing Bondora’s history, passing the €100M mark and cross-border ambitions for the future.


AltFI News asked a number of industry experts about the potential for Amsterdam to cement its position as European Fintech hub, or if there will be multiple European hubs in the aftermath of Brexit.

October 2017 industry news recap

P2P-Banking covered the highly anticipated annual Lendit Europe conference in October which is known as an ‘Event for Innovation in Financial Services’. 3 predictions put forward for online lending by Renaud Laplanche, CEO of Upgrade, were:

  1. The growth of online lending will accelerate in the next 15 months
  2. An organized secondary market for online loans will emerge in the next 15 months
  3. Continued re-bundling will give birth to at least one major consumer product innovation in the next 15 months


CityAM published an interesting piece comparing Lego with P2P lending. One of the most interesting comparisons put forward is that Lego has survived and thrived in the past decade due to its ability to embrace change and technology, diversifying from its traditional product. Similarly, the P2P has done exactly the same by embracing the world of borrowing and investing to create a product that benefits even more people.


Business Standard discusses the important topic of trust and transparency in the global P2P markets. As the P2P industry expands in India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is following the UK, US and China in implementing a macro regulatory framework. This shows that they are not only embracing the industry, but they are helping to boost confidence in investors and borrowers.

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