Using the Planned Future Cash Flow report

Bondora investors can get a quick and customized report detailing their aggregate planned future cash flow from loans with this report.

Planned future cash flows report example

Access the information from the Reports page in your account. You can enter a specific start and end date or leave the date fields empty to generate a report with whole data. Shortly, the system will generate a CSV file that can be downloaded for review. The output information details the scheduled amount and date of each principal and interest repayment of each loan. This report is valuable for investors that want a tight control over their income from investments. Additionally, the information provides insight on how the total return will add up over the long-term.

This information is similar to the Cash Flow page. However, the difference with the planned future cash flow database is that it is more aggregated and simpler because it includes fewer data points.

Data on interest payments and late charges for rescheduled loans is also included. By having the data in spreadsheet format, users can segment the information as they choose and view current loans and rescheduled loans separately as they may represent different risk levels. Users can also segment based on repayment date breaking down the information by month or year. You can find more specific information about the data points included in the report by accessing the Public Reports page.

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