Neue Mitglieder im Aufsichtsrat der Bondora Group

👋 World, meet our newest members of the Bondora Group Supervisory Board; Richard Groeneveld, and Raimondas Berniunas! Curious to know more about the Board? Read on.

The Supervisory Board plays a pivotal role in offering invaluable guidance and actively overseeing the activities of the Management Board. 

They help steer us toward creating more value for our customers and ensure that Bondora Group and its shareholders‘ best interests are upheld. 

The members of the Bondora Group Supervisory Board and Consumer Lending Entity Board.

All the members have extensive experience in various sectors – from risk management and banking to transportation, new businesses, investment management, and more. 

Below, you can read more about each member of our expanded Board. 

Bondora Supervisory Board

João Monteiro: is the only non-independent director of the Board of Bondora. Through Pinto Ventures AG, he has been an investor in Bondora since 2013, and as Chairman of the board, he has played an important role in our success over the last decade. He has executive and board experience in global companies, is a FinTech investor and an INSEAD International Directors Program Alumni 

Jevgeni Kabanov: Serving as the President of Bolt, a prominent international urban mobility company, Jevgeni Kabanov can share a wealth of leadership experience. He has been with us since 2021, and his background in spearheading successful ventures is essential in guiding our growth trajectory.

Mart Altvee: As a founding partner at Redgate Capital and former CEO of SEB Estonia, Mart Altvee has a deep understanding of financial markets and strategic management. He joined Bondora in mid-2023, and his expertise is invaluable in steering Bondora toward continued success.

Richard Groeneveld: With a seasoned career in C-level and non-executive Board positions in banking and Fintech, including N26, Richard Groeneveld adds a unique perspective. We welcomed him to the Supervisory Board in March 2024 and look forward to seeing how his extensive global executive experience will enhance our financial strategies.

Raimondas Berniunas: With roles as CRO of Revolut Bank EU and Revolut Payments EU, CEO of Banked EU, and Head of Risk Center at SEB Bank Lithuania, Raimondas Berniunas brings a robust risk management perspective to our Supervisory Board. Joining in March 2024, his expertise ensures Bondora’s resilience in dynamic market conditions.

Bondora Consumer Lending Entity Board

Bondora Group also has a dedicated Consumer Lending Entity Board that oversees credit operations and strategies. This board is crucial in ensuring responsible lending practices and maximizing value for our customers. The board currently has three esteemed members.

João Monteiro: As mentioned earlier, he has been with Bondora since 2013 and plays a vital role in overseeing our operations and growth strategies.

Falk Wagner: With a background as the Director of Credit Risk at T-Mobile US, and previous roles at Home Credit China and T-Mobile in Germany, Falk Wagner brings invaluable international insights to Bondora’s lending operations. He has served on the board since the end of 2020, bringing extensive experience in credit risk management. 

Mati Otsmaa: A board member since 2013, Mati Otsmaa leverages his governance and financial services expertise to guide our growth. With a wealth of experience from US financial services companies like Mastercard, Providian Bank, and Experian, he plays a vital role in shaping Bondora’s credit strategies and governance practices. His consulting work for top US credit card banks and Barclaycard further enriches our board’s expertise.

A renewed commitment to responsible financial services

With the updated Supervisory Board and the existing Consumer Lending Entity Board, Bondora Group reinforces its position as a responsible leader in the financial services industry, poised to grow sustainably and continually create more value for our customers. We believe in the value of a well-functioning Board with a priority on independent directors with strong track records in the areas that are most relevant to our success.

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