Weekly industry news roundup – November 21, 2016


On Monday of last week Juniper Research released a comprehensive report on the future of FinTech. The publication projects that revenues derived from FinTech lending platforms will exceed $10 billion globally by 2020 which is nearly double the expectation of $5.2 billion for this year.

The Hindu Business Line reported on data released from the Peer-to-Peer Finance Association which shared data indicating that worldwide P2P lending has grown from £2.2 million in 2012 to £4.4 billion in 2015.

The Financial Times reported on the future of Zopa, Britain’s oldest P2P lender which began in 2005. The author explains the company’s intention to obtain a banking license in an effort to extend their offering into areas including credit cards and customer deposits protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

India Today shared news of Hong-Kong based peer-to-peer lender Monexo’s new auto-invest feature. The program allows investors to set parameters for their lending after which the process becomes automated. This frees the investor from the need to constantly monitor the market.

Forbes published an interview with the Associate Editor for NextAdvisor, an information resource for P2P businesses. Among other characteristics, she noted speed, transparency and simplicity as key reasons why marketplace lending has soared in recent years.


For our German readership, Huffington Post released an article which details how P2P platform are the best alternatives for investors looking for higher investment returns and borrowers looking for cheaper credit options than current banking system offers them.

German speakers can also read a Anlegermagazin Mein Geld article with comments from Bondora CEO Pärtel Tomberg about our recent decision to remove the manual investing option in the Primary Market. The move was the result of the growing popularity and performance of the automatic investment options over the manual investing.

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