Try Bondora Portfolio Manager without the risk of losing money

We are excited to announce a pilot campaign with the goal of ensuring trust in using Portfolio Managers for making investments on Bondora platform. We believe that using Portfolio Managers is the most efficient way to invest on our platform; and thus, welcome you to try them out without the risk of losing money* during the campaign period from April 21, 2015 to April 30, 2015 (both dates inclusive)!

The campaign

The investment amount placed using Portfolio Managers during the campaign period (further, campaign bids) is guaranteed by Bondora to produce no net loss on investment. On November 30, 2015 Bondora will propose to buy campaign bids in defaulted loans (further, defaulted campaign bids) for a total compensation amount equaling the net loss of the investor’s pool of campaign bids (see below).

Compensation amount

Try Portfolio Manager without the risk of losing moneyThe compensation amount equals the total principal of the investor’s campaign bids in default status on November 30, 2015, less the total of received interest from campaign bids by November 30, 2015 and projected interest from current campaign bids on November 30, 2015.

Compensation amount example

A Portfolio Manager places a total of three bids in a total of three loans during the campaign period: bids A, B, C.

On November 30, 2015, loan A is current, while loans B and C have defaulted. The principal of defaulted bids are B1 and C1. The bids, A, B, C have generated interest amounts of A2, B2 and C2 until November 30, 2015. In addition, bid A is scheduled to produce additional interest after November 30, 2015 in the amount of A3.

In this example, the compensation amount paid would equal to (B1+C1)-(A2+B2+C2)-(A3). On November 30, 2015 investors can opt out of the campaign and keep the defaulted bids in their portfolios.

Terms and conditions

There is no need for investors to opt in. All bids made by Portfolio Managers during the campaign period are automatically covered, regardless of whether the Portfolio Manager was created before the campaign period or during.

  • Only bids made by Portfolio Managers during the period of April 21, 2015 to April 30, 2015 (both dates inclusive) are covered, manually placed bids are not covered.
  • In order to participate in the program you need to have an existing one or create a new Portfolio Manager to participate in the campaign.
  • Investors can opt out from the campaign by refusing to sell their defaulted campaign bids on November 30, 2015.
  • Investors cannot opt out for only a fraction of bids made during the campaign, meaning that investors need to sell either all defaulted campaign bids, or none of the defaulted campaign bids.

What is the purpose of the campaign?

We strive to make our service as accessible and easy to use as possible, and we believe Portfolio Managers play an important role in this. Please consider this as an excellent opportunity to try out our Portfolio Manager strategies or to invite your friends to become a Bondora investor risk-free*.

We are dedicated to providing our investors with plenty of quality investment opportunities, while ensuring that only quality applications get to the financing stage. That commitment is backed up by our effective debt handling process.

We will use on the results and feedback gained from this campaign to develop new features and products for our investors in the future. Depending on your feedback, we may introduce similar mechanisms later on or turn this into a product on its own, so please let us know what think about this initiative in the comments below.

* Please remember that your capital remains at risk as you are providing unsecured personal loans. The campaign covers the credit risk for the investments made by Portfolio Managers during the campaign period, however, it does not account for the operational or any other risks; and thus, there is a possibility that you may lose some or all of your investment, as it is not protected by any financial compensation scheme. To learn more about the risks please read our investment guide.

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