A slight increase of transactions on the Bondora secondary market

It was another month of increased transactions on the Bondora secondary market. A total of €787,608 transacted on the secondary market represents a 2.8% increase compared to October. All gains in the secondary market came from Portfolio Manager transactions which were up by 23.5% to €337,554 on the month.

SM total volume - Nov 2019

Current Loans

As usual, current loans accounted for the overwhelming majority (93.2%) of secondary market transactions. Current loans were purchased at more of a discount compared to October, with discount transactions increasing by 65.1% and premium transactions decreasing by 8.3%.

SM current loans - Nov 2019

Overdue Loans

Overdue loan transactions fell by 40.3% on the month, back down to levels seen prior to October. More than half of all overdue loan transactions were conducted at discount prices, while premium transactions were increasingly rare, garnering only 7.9% of all transactions.

SM overdue loans - Nov 2019

Defaulted Loans

Transactions of defaulted loans were higher, up to €25,251 on the month, an increase of 11.8%. A higher ratio of defaulted loans was purchased at a discount, with 92.7% of defaulted loans purchased at a discount compared to 73.9% in October.

SM defaulted loans - Nov 2019

Continued growth

Slowly but surely, Bondora secondary market transactions continue their growth, with Portfolio Manager transactions leading the charge. An increase in the amount of discounted transactions shows that investors were more active in November on the Bondora secondary market.

Always remember, investors should not seek higher returns from buying and selling loans on the Bondora secondary market.

You can learn more about the Bondora secondary market here, or contact an experienced Investor Relations Associate at investor@bondora.com.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75% p.a. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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