Bondora is now 6! Number of investors at Bondora

On the 23rd of February Bondora officially became 6 years old! As part of the celebration, we want to share with you some of the highlights in platform statistics below:

1. The number of investors on our platform is close to 7 times the amount it was 2 years ago.

The number of investors at Bondora at different times.

2. Last year we issued 2.8 times the amount of loans than in 2013. This year we have already had two of our top 3 months ever in regards to issued loans. Our goal is to continue delivering more and more investment opportunities for our growing pool of investors.

The amount of loans issued to Bondora borrowers since 2009

3. Within the two months this year, our investors have already been paid more interest than in the whole years of 2012 and 2013 combined.

The amount of interest and penalty income Bondora investors have received each year.

It is clear from the graphs that we have all been through a very fast growth period and we expect even more to come. We are thankful to you for having made it all possible and hope to bring you even more profitable investment opportunities in the future. Our IT is working on some improvements in the loan application process to facilitate this as this e-mail is being sent to you.

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