Bondora Supports Future Tech Superheroes with Tartu University

At Bondora, our mission is to create a better future. And that means investing in and supporting the next generation of tech superheroes. We actively support Tartu University Science School and Estonian students participating in various IT Olympiads. Read more on how we’re assisting these bright stars on their promising tech futures:

The participants and staff of the IT Olympiad – June 2022 in Tartu.
The participants and staff of the IT Olympiad – June 2022 in Tartu.

For the second year in a row, Bondora is proud to support the Tartu University Science School’s IT projects. And this year, we are the main supporter of their IT projects.

From 25-26 June 2022, the final round of the Information Olympiad took place in Tartu. We sent gift bags to all participants of the IT Olympiad 2022, and we are providing the prize money that Tartu University will give out to the winners.

We are also supporting other Tartu University Science School IT projects:

  • Training Camp for students participating in different international IT Olympiads.
  • Information and Communications Technology Quiz “Kobras” In November 2022 (07.11.-18.11.2022) and February 2023.
  • European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics EGOI 16.10.-23.10.2022. Three female high school students and 1 teacher will compete, and Bondora will cover their travel costs.

We want to help create a world where everyone can feel inspired and comfortable pursuing a tech career. This is why we especially encourage girls to program and support EGOI. We encourage everyone to learn to program and hope that some of these Tartu IT students will become future Bondora Superheroes.

Tartu University Science School
Tartu University Science School

Check out these helpful links if you want to be involved or would like more information:

Tartu University Science School homepage:
IT Olympiads 2022 page:
Tartu University Science School Facebook page:

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