Category: Stats & Data

Bondora Group Monthly Stats May 2024

Are you ready for a brand-new statistic? Of course you are! We know you enjoy seeing all the latest news and numbers from the Bondora Group. So, besides the usual investment, origination, and new investor stats, you can also see… wait, we'll let you discover it for yourself 😉 New Investors in May 2,166 more…
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Bondora Group Monthly Stats April 2024 

Welcome to our monthly stats post for April. It's your dose of insights into our growth and performance. It's all the numbers, updates, and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read.  Grab your coffee, and let's dive into Bondora Group's April news and statistics.  New Investors  In April, 1,984 more people…
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Bondora Group Monthly Stats March 2024

Welcome to our monthly stats post for March. This is your dose of insights into our growth and performance. It’s all the numbers, updates, and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read. Grab your coffee, and let's dive into Bondora Group’s March news and statistics. New Investors In March, 2,077 people…
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✨ New and Revamped Monthly Stats

Welcome to Bondora's revamped monthly recap! This is your monthly dose of insights into our growth and performance. It’s all the numbers and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read. Grab your coffee, and let's dive into Bondora Group’s January and February statistics. New investors First, we want to welcome all…
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November 2023: €10M+ Loans Originated in Finland

November showed signs of slightly less activity for loan originations. Finland remains the most robust loan market, with over €10M in loan originations in November alone. Due to strategic risk policy changes, the Spanish market is also temporarily closed to existing customers. Cash recoveries increased by 3.3%, totaling €1.7M. Here are more November stats: In…
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October 2023: Rebound for Originations and Investments

After decreasing slightly in September, investments and originations rebounded in October. Both these statistics totaled just over €15M, with a growth rate of 4.8% from the previous month. On the other hand, cash recoveries decreased a little, totaling almost €1.6M in October. Here are more October stats: 602 new investors joined Bondora in October. In…
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September 2023: Originations and Investments Fall Slightly

After continued increases in July and August, we’ve seen slight dips for originations and investments in September. Both these statistics totaled just under €15M, decreasing 5.1% from the previous month. Cash recoveries, however, did well, totaling almost €2M in September alone. Here are more stats: 1,039 new investors joined Bondora in September. In the same…
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August 2023: Over €15M for Investment Funding and Originations

The growth that kickstarted in July has continued into August, with increases across the board. Loan originations, as well as investment product funding, totaled over €15M each in August. Cash recoveries and collection efforts also increased to over €1M. Here are more stats from August: 1,404 new investors joined Bondora in August. In the same…
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Slow Summer Statistics for Loans and Investments

As has been typical in Bondora’s history, summertime tends to bring about loan originations and investment declines. June 2023 continues this trend from the past, with originations and investments each dipping to the €13M margin. One stat that picked up was the number of new investors joining Bondora, which we’re thrilled about. Here are more…
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Stellar Performance in The Netherlands, Sky-high Recoveries, and More

Despite small decreases, there was still a large number of investments and loans originated in May. Both were in the €19 million ballpark, which is still some of the highest monthly amounts we've seen recently. Collections and recoveries also jumped sky-high, with over €1.7 million in cash payments recovered. Here are more stats from May:…
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