Originations & Investments Increase to over €15M

Loan origination and investments showed a solid increase to €15,333,326 in July. This rebound in statistics was expected after the slow summer decreases in June. Collection and recovery statistics also grew, exceeding €1 million. Read more here:

Originations & Investments Increase to over €15M.
Originations & Investments Increase to over €15M.

In July, we welcomed 1,821 new investors to Bondora—slightly more than in June. Our total investment has increased to over €641M. And investors have earned more than €79M in returns.

After weakening in June, loan originations grew strongly in July, rebounding by 18.7% to €15,333,326. All three markets increased, with Spain having the most noticeable growth, increasing by 75.6% to €633,459’s worth of originated loans. Let’s see if it remains on a growth course for the rest of Q3.

The 2nd most significant origination increase was Finland, with a growth rate of 30.2%. Finland also still has the majority of originations, 58.1%, which equals €8,906,144. Estonia’s share decreased slightly from 44.2% in June to 37.8% in July. The average interest rate dropped from 22.3% to 21.6%.

The activity of the Secondary Market is the only aspect of July’s statistics not to rebound. After the second month of decreases, activity dropped by 24.5% to €104,846’s worth of transactions. All the categories declined, with Portfolio Manager once again falling the most (-58.7%). The 2nd biggest decline came from API transactions (-24.1%), and Manual transactions had the most minor fall (-6.8%). Manual transactions have the largest share of transactions (60.8%). This is the largest percentage share we’ve seen since February.

After having a slow June, the expected rebound in activity can also be seen in our collection and recovery statistics. The number of recovered loans, as well as the total cash recovered, increased. The count of loans grew by 0.5% to 79,395 loans. The total amount recovered grew by 29.4% and once again exceeded €1 million! The cash total was €1,055,453, with the majority recovered from Finland (52.4% share). Estonia follows with a 41.4% total share, and Spain with 6.1%. The current 2014-2022 recovery rate remains solid at 50.1%. 

After all our investment products’ funding declined in June during the predicted slower summer, we anticipated increases again soon. July delivered on those growth expectations and increased across the board by 18.7%. The biggest growth came from Portfolio Manager with 20.0% to €274,585. It also has the 2nd largest share of the total investments. Once again, Go & Grow had the greatest effect, as it is the most used investment product, making up 96.9% of all investments. Go & Grow investments rebounded to €15,333,326 to stats similar to May (€15,548,394).

Investment product funding figures:

Go & Grow                      + 18.7%

Portfolio Manager          + 20.0%

Portfolio Pro                   + 19.0%

API                                   + 0.08%

In summary:

In June, when we experienced the summer slump, we expected to see an increase in investments and originations soon. And in July, financial activity across investments, originations, and collection & recoveries increased again. The Secondary Market was the only area where we saw declines.

If you enjoy these breakdowns, follow our blog for in-depth analyses of the Bondora market weekly. So, stay tuned to better determine your investment strategy, loan portfolio preferences, and more.

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