Portfolio performance, industry news and marketplace lending regulations


Bondora portfolio performance – May 2017

The realized net returns in each quarter of 2016 were significantly higher than the same quarter in the previous year (2015) by at least 321 basis points. All countries have generated double digit realized net returns for the last three consecutive quarters. Though some of the Q1 2017 figures may decrease over time, they’re all very likely to remain well into the double digits.

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Weekly industry news roundup – May 29, 2017

Evening Standard reported on recent moves by the regulatory body known as The Financial Conduct Authority which “agreed to grant full authorisation to most of the leading lights of the peer-to-peer lending industry.”
MondoVisione discussed a recent move from Orca a leading research and data analyst covering the UK P2P market.
Crowdfund Insider shared research showing that the alternative finance market volume rose to $35.2 billion total across the U.S., Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean in 2016.
Bankless Times explained that some industry insiders believe the P2P lending world requires more maturation to truly find its footing
PYMNTS looked at millennials and how they’ve embraced technology to help secure their personal financial profile.

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How regulations influence marketplace lending

In a this comprehensive post we looked at the regulatory landscape for marketplace lending in the U.S., Europe and the UK. At Bondora we believe we already offer the transparency that many key regulators are looking for in the coming years.

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