Recoveries are up yet again, reaching the 7th month of continuous growth

Despite the sequence of incredible recovery and collection results seen in the last 6 months, Bondora continued to thrive in August, reaching the 7th month of continuous growth. There were 63,355 successful recovery cases last month, a 3.27% growth compared to July’s 61,350. This is a brilliant result overall, showing that Bondora’s recovery and collection process continues to prove strong.

Recoveries continued their climb for the 7th month in a row - Bondora
Recoveries continued their climb for the 7th month in a row.

All categories showed increases in August, even in-house collections, which had declined in July. Fluctuations are common, but nonetheless, it’s great to see all categories performing again and with a strong upward trend.

Cases in the Default & Court stage were the biggest gainers, with a total of 20,197 cases and 4.9% growth month-on-month, followed by Rare Cases (4,777 cases, 4.4%), In-house (15,281, 2.8%) and Bailiff (23,100, 2%).

July’s top performer, Spain, grew by 2.5% in August, giving way to Finland with 3.4% growth and the first positioned Estonia with 3.7%. The lead is also held by Estonia when it comes to the total number of cases: 27,298, which is 43.09% of the grand total.

Number of Recovery and Collection cases in August by stage and country
Number of Recovery and Collection cases in August by stage and country.

Cash recoveries take a slight hit

After June’s and July’s exceptional performances, it would be natural to see cash recoveries fluctuating a bit and that is exactly what happened in August. The month showed a decrease of -5.6%, with a total of €631,935 recovered. Spain, Estonia and Slovakia all saw negative growth numbers, while Finland topped up an 8.2% increase with a total of €244,197 recovered.

The Bailiff phase is the recovery process step with the highest success rate, taking credit for €478,862 recovered in August, a miniscule 0.2% decrease from July. That currently represents 75.8% of the cash flow for the month.

Amount recovered and collected in August by stage and country
Amount recovered and collected in August by stage and country.

Yearly recovery rate

If we look at the seven-year cumulative recovery rate, it remained almost stable at 41.2%, a 0.3% decline from July’s numbers. Nonetheless, 2020 is still holding strong as the third best performing year since 2014, with a total recovery rate of 43.9%. 2019 remains the overall leader with 51.1%.

Recovery rate by year
Recovery rate by year

Estonian recoveries still strong

Estonian recoveries in 2020 have been rising on a monthly basis. Starting from 25.2% in May, the surge has hit its peak with 39.9% in August, 2.21% more than in July. It’s important to remember that Estonian originations take the biggest share within the Bondora portfolio, thus this continuous rise is a very welcoming sight.

Breakdown of the recovery rates by country
Breakdown of the recovery rates by country.

2020 recoveries going strong

Anywhere you go, it’s not that common to see something increasing its performance for 7 months in a row. Our recovery and collection process is robust and has shown month after month that it works. That should bring some piece of mind for investors considering all the global uncertainties that we currently see. Things are looking good and we have no intention to stop progressing.

Interested in following recoveries closely? Good for you, as we have a real-time statistics page for you to check data on missed and recovery payments, but also stats on returns, profitability, and much more!

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