Recurring payment feature, portfolio performance update and industry news


Weekly industry news wrap up – May 2, 2017

Politico reported on recent moves to build a robust regulatory framework around the new marketplace lending industry.
Tech Crunch discussed an emerging proposal from the Comptroller of the Currency which would permit certain fintechs to exist as special purpose national banks.
Forbes reviewed findings in a recent report from G.P. Bullhound stating that “Global marketplace lending is expected to increase 2.4x from 2016 to 2020.”
FT Adviser published a helpful article covering six things to consider when exploring marketplace lending as an investment.
DS News reviewed recent remarks from the Federal Comptroller of the Currency who explained that in fintech “…consumers must be treated fairly.”

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Bondora portfolio performance – April 2017

In our regular review of realised net returns we noticed that generally, the quarterly realised net return from 2015 to 2016 is on an significant uptrend compared to previous years. Though Slovakia and Spain underperformed in 2014, Spain experienced improvement along with Finland in recent years. In 2016 the average realised return across all quarters exceeded the average targeted figure by 3.66 percentage points.

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Make investing convenient with new recurring payment feature

We announced a new feature allowing investors to set up automatic and recurring deposits to their Bondora account. With this new feature, users can select a preferred frequency, payment date and sum for periodic deposits. These regular deposits are critical for slowly building wealth over time.

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