Fractional Ownership

This week, we will release a major update to our system called fractional ownership.

The update will ensure that each investor receives an equal distribution of a loan repayment based on their total share of an investment in a loan. This also applies to payments received from collection and recoveries.

Among other benefits, the fractional calculations will improve our website speed and services, provide more precise calculations and as a result will establish the even distribution of debt servicing fees.

Remember you can always visit our website at and check us out on Facebook @bondoracapital.

Βαρεθήκατε τις μεγάλες τράπεζες και τους ρομποτικούς τρόπους τους;
Πάρτε το δάνειο που σας αξίζει από την Bondora.

  • Μια εξατομικευμένη προσφορά δανείου online σε 60 δευτερόλεπτα
  • Ευέλικτες επιλογές αποπληρωμής
  • Χωρίς κρυφές χρεώσεις
Έναρξη τώρα
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