Weekly industry news roundup


The Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance released its study on European alt finance that shows 92% growth in 2015. This growth is in all areas of alternative finance including crowdfunding and peer to peer lending. Europe is a fast growing alt finance market. Estonia is first in alternative finance volume and we thank you for being a part of that growth.

This Crowdfund Insider article focuses on China and 2 platforms based in Shanghai that were raided by police. The 2 platforms are accused of various illegal activities. With all the platforms there, many are seeing this as part of the shakeout expected once the Chinese government stepped in with more regulation and best practices for p2p lenders in the country. It sounds like a shocking story but this is a good thing if you believe in the long term health of p2p lending in China.

From The Economic Times of India, the new RBI (Reserve Bank of India) guidance has Peer Lending platforms there hopeful that this new clarity will bring in VC investment into the 40 or so peer lending platforms in the country. Like in China, this is more clarity and is better for the long term health of P2P lending in India.

The excellent site P2P-Banking.com discusses a paper from Germany’s Central Bank on p2p lending that is downloadable for you to read and analyze for yourself. The recognition of the market for p2p lending across Europe continues to help us move p2p lending into the mainstream on the Continent.

In the UK from the Financial Times Investment Fund Octopus Management launches its own p2p lending platform with a focus on ISA Accounts. ISA are Individual Savings Accounts that are the vehicle where people save for retirement like the IRA in the US. There are many platforms in the UK but this focus on ISAs is new. Real Estate loans is the focus of this platform.


Crowdfund Insider notes how FinanceEstonia and accounting firm Deloitte have created a Crowdfunding Best Practices template and the document is downloadable in Estonian. Bondora is one of the first 5 participants to join and was granted a Best Practices label by Deloitte. We believe in transparency and the other best practices in this document and are happy to be one of the first 5 platforms in the program.

CrowdfundingHub.eu posted its Alternative Finance Maturity Index a huge research study on all things crowdfunding in Europe. Bondora gets a mention in the comments specifically for cross border lending. Check out the comments and download the entire report at the link above.

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