What’s the minimum bid size for Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro?

With Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro, the bid size setting allows you to establish the maximum allotment for an investment in your portfolio. However, if you’ve used the setting before, you may have noticed that you sometimes receive a position that is less than the bid size you’ve set.

So, what’s the minimum bid size for Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro? Let’s take a look.

The short answer is €1. Our current bid allocation system was created to be the most efficient and fair to all our investors. Thus, there is no minimum bid size setting for the products, as it is based on the demand for a loan. This ensures that every investor who wants a part of a loan can get it.

For example, if the demand for a loan is high, you will likely get a smaller bid into such loans. The system always tries to use your bid size set, but it also needs to consider other investors’ bids. If there is less competition, your set bid size can be accepted in full. Otherwise, it tries to take as many bids as possible.

And that’s it. Remember to give us a thumbs-up if you liked this video, or leave us a comment if you found it helpful.

Thanks for watching, keep investing, and see you again next time.

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