Bondora tops €17M originations in November

While Bondora didn’t reach another historic milestone for investments as it did in October, there is still much to be excited about by November’s funding totals. All told, €17,382,149 was invested on the Bondora platform in November across all funding products. The only category to see growth in share this month was Portfolio Manager, which totaled €1,851,232 in originations, an increase of 11.3% over last month.

Investment by product - Nov 2019

Go & Grow Takes a Small Step Back

Go & Grow remains the product where the majority of investors put their money, but the share of Go & Grow investment fell slightly last month. In November, Go & Grow garnered 72% of all Bondora investment, a 5% decline from last month. Meanwhile, even though Portfolio Pro saw a slight decline in investment on the month, its total share of all investment on the platform rose to 17% from 15% a month ago. Portfolio Manager was the biggest gainer in the share of total investment, up 3% to 10% in November.

November investment by product - 2019
October investment by product - 2019

Riding Consistency

Even as the share of Go & Grow investment dipped in November, it still remains the most used product for investors by a significant margin. Both Portfolio Pro and Portfolio Manager remain less used products for the majority of investors, while the API is left to only the most technologically savvy. The consistency of this trend does not show any signs of changing over the coming months and heading into the new year.

Learn more about the different Bondora investment options here.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75% p.a. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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