Curious about your future? To inspire you for this new year, we wanted to share our cosmic visions for you in 2024. While the crystal ball will always be a bit hazy, we hope that at least the good things will come true 🤞
Discover your financial horoscope for the year, and see what 2024 and the cosmos have in store for you.
In case it wasn’t obvious, please don’t take this as serious investing advice (Looking at you, Cancer 😉).

Aries ♈🐏
Jupiter is your best friend this year, Aries. When it comes into view, consider looking at the charts and making a decision, the financial charts, of course, and not the stars. You’re opinionated and motivated—and love it or hate it, you’re probably not going to budge on some financial opinions, regardless of what others say. Although being sure of yourself is great, this might be the year to embrace change and consider a little cosmic dance of prosperity!
Taurus ♉🐂
Hey there, Taurus! The planets are cheering you on your financial journey this year, but Venus might tempt you away from your financial goals. Stay focused, like a bull with laser vision on your main money priorities. Ignore distractions and charge toward your financial success. Remember, bulls don’t do detours.
Gemini ♊👨🏾🤝👨🏼
You’ve got amazing friends around you (one in particular — you know who), but stay true to precisely who you are and your financial goals for 2024. Saturn, Venus, and Mars will guide you — both of you! Your two financial personalities, saving and investing, come and go like waves. But don’t fear them; use them to grow your wealth and be a prosperous Gemini.
Cancer ♋🦀
It’s nice in here, right? Pillows, warm blankets, pizza, and Netflix. Ah, yes, the all-familiar comfort zone. But this year, the planets are behind you, thrusting you into the cosmic spotlight.
Your finances could have a real glow-up this year because of the creative (and calculated) risks you take. But playing it safe 100% of the time? That’s the old you. 2024 Cancer is a whole different vibe, so go out there and shine!
Leo ♌🦁
You’re coming into 2024 with a mighty roar. But pace yourself, the year is only just starting. Look at your pride (that’s a metaphor for your finances). Venus calmly reminds you that what you have is unique, but don’t let greed get the better of you. In October, Jupiter arrives as your sign of awesome things to come, Mighty Lion. Expand your financial empire with purpose and watch it roar to new heights!
Virgo ♍👧
Virgo, you’re a financial maestro in the making! Patience and humility are your keys to soaring among the stars in 2024. Overcome challenges gracefully, and watch your financial endeavors reach new heights. Remember, humility is the secret sauce to lasting wealth!
Libra ♎⚖️
Balance is your cosmic dance, Libra! Like the wise money-changers of yesteryear, find equilibrium in your financial journey. Buying and selling harmonize under your celestial touch. But don’t be afraid to seek guidance from loved ones. They’ll help you find your center so your symphony of financial success can play on!
Scorpio ♏🦂
Scorpio, let Jupiter’s mind-clearing magic illuminate your financial path in 2024! Pay attention to what your close circle says, but know you’re a powerhouse capable of incredible feats. The powers inside you pack a punch—you can do great things. Except perhaps when it comes to sticking to your budget. You might need some assistance with that 😉
Sagittarius ♐🏹
Sagittarius, love and wealth are your cosmic companions in 2024! Fire those arrows of financial success with wisdom. Seek small victories that lead you to your end goal, but don’t fire your bow at a target (Ahem, ‘Risk’) too big to handle. And that’s not even a Sagittarius thing — that’s just good sense that we know you already have.
Capricorn ♑🐐
You’re a hurdle-hopping wizard, Capricorn! You just overcame 2023 with a bang (seriously, well done). Now you’re at the starting line for 2024, prepared and headstrong. This is your grand stage, so keep that momentum alive. Overcome obstacles with elegance, and witness your finances sparkle. Embrace cosmic enthusiasm and boundless success! ✨
Aquarius ♒🏺
Aquarius, dive into the cosmic waters of financial positivity! Bend with the celestial tides and fight back when needed. Your burdens are hidden opportunities waiting to be discovered. Seek treasures where others see challenges. Maybe consider filling your big vase with something more exciting to celebrate (no one said it had to be water 😜).
Pisces ♓🐟
Pisces, welcome routine as your trusted ally in 2024! Wave goodbye to bad vibes and embrace the flow of positivity. Stick to your financial rhythm, and when in doubt, spread kindness before making money moves. Your cosmic journey is filled with rainbows, unicorns, and financial wonders! 🌈💰
✨ We hope you enjoyed our fun, prosperous predictions
Although this financial horoscope is not actual investing advice nor an accurate forecast of what your finances will be like this year, we believe that together, we can step into 2024 with confidence.