A recap of our top-tips in June – Find out more here today

1. Go & Grow

For the investors who want a predictable net return with no heavy lifting, we released Go & Grow earlier in June for all new and existing investors.

Here are some of the best benefits:

  • 6.75%* yield – It has a yield of 6.75%, helping you to plan for the future
  • Faster liquidity – You can access your cash without any excessive withdrawal penalties
  • Low risk – You also get a diversified portfolio of investments supported by advanced and reliable technology
  • Tax – And you only pay tax when you make a withdrawal over your capital amount invested

More benefits:

  • Share access – You can share access with the people you trust to invest together for a shared goal, like an upcoming world trip or a wedding
  • Existing investors – And if you’re already a Bondora investor, you can transfer your existing Bondora investment portfolio to Go & Grow with just a few clicks.

2. Go & Grow – Auto transfer feature

If you’re a Go & Grow user, you may have noticed the unique ‘auto-transfer’ feature on your account. Once the auto-transfer feature is enabled, all available funds on your Bondora account and any future cash flow received from your existing investments will be automatically transferred to your chosen Go & Grow account.

This is a fantastic tool if you are investing for a specific goal and know you will need to withdraw your cash soon, like a wedding or family holiday.

3. Go & Grow – Transfer your existing investment portfolio

If you are already a Bondora investor, you can transfer your existing investment portfolio to your Go & Grow account with just a few clicks.

If you don’t want to enable the auto-transfer feature, you can send money directly Go & Grow by clicking on the ‘Add funds’ icon on your chosen Go & Grow account.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75%. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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