A solid 6% gain for secondary market transactions in January

For the third consecutive month, Bondora secondary market transactions increased. A total of €953,282 in secondary market transactions were conducted in January, up by 6.0% compared to December. Surprisingly, the increase was fueled by API transactions, which were higher by 18.2% to a total of €230,377. Portfolio Manager transactions were also higher, up to €400,488 from €346,580 a month ago.

Sec Market total volume Jan 2020 - Bondora

Current Loans

Current loan transactions increased by 9.0% in January, totaling €846,566. This made current loans account for 88.8% of all secondary market transactions in January, slightly higher than the 86.4% ratio from December. Manual transactions were actually lower on the month, down by 7.9% to €222,929.

Sec Market current loans Jan 2020 - Bondora

Overdue Loans

There was another decrease in overdue loan transactions, which fell 14.4% to €39,445 on the month. The only category of overdue loans higher on the month were API transactions made at par value, totaling €2,116 in January.

Sec Market overdue loans Jan 2020 - Bondora

Defaulted Loans

Much like overdue loans, defaulted loan transactions were also lower in January. There was a total of €67,840 of defaulted loans transacted on the month, a decline of 11.0%. Bucking the trend were manual transactions at par value, which increased by 29.2% to €30,227.

Sec Market defaulted loans Jan 2020 - Bondora

The secondary market continues to grow

The Bondora secondary market began the new year where it left off, continuing to grow steadily in transaction volume. Defaulted loan transactions once again outpaced transactions for overdue loans, a trend which will be one to monitor in the coming months.

Always remember, investors should not seek higher returns from buying and selling loans on the Bondora secondary market.

You can learn more about the Bondora secondary market here, or contact an experienced Investor Relations Associate at investor@bondora.com.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75% p.a. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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