The total number of loans in recoveries in April was 30,874, an increase of 3.6% compared to March. By stage, default and court recoveries were relatively unchanged, while in-house collection increased by 10.8%. Loans in the bailiff stage were up slightly, totaling 10,029, an increase of 1.4%.

A change in cash recoveries
While the total number of loans in recoveries in April grew compared to the previous month, the total cash recovered actually decreased. Total payments recovered in April came to €372,152 as compared to a record-breaking €489,154 in March, a decline of 23.9%. This decrease was felt almost exclusively in bailiff stage recoveries, which dropped to €219,158 on the month, a decrease of 38.4%. This is expected until more loans move from the default and court stage to the bailiff stage.

Yearly recovery rate
It is generally expected that as the year progresses the total recovery rate for 2019 will decrease due to missed payments occurring over time. However, in April the recovery rate actually rose by more than 1% over the previous month, to 73.92%. This is a positive sign for investors as it displays how Bondora is maintaining its solid recovery rate throughout the year. Aside from a more than 2% drop in the recovery rate for 2018, all other yearly recovery rates did not deviate more than 1% from figures in March.

2019 recoveries by country
In April, yearly recoveries across each country showed some differences. Recoveries out of Finland actually eclipsed 100%, hitting 101.1%, meaning, Bondora was able to not only recover all planned principal payments out of Finland, but capture a small amount of interest for investors as well. Recoveries in Spain jumped significantly, from 39.42% to 72.73% in April. After filing a high number of cases in 2018, we received a lot of final decisions on these cases which allowed us to increase recoveries. Meanwhile, the recovery rate in Estonia decreased from 60.96% to 47.93%.

Bondora was able to recover more missed payments in April than in previous months. However, the total amount of cash recovered decreased by 23.9%, following a record-breaking month for Bondora in March. What’s more, an increasing yearly recovery rate should be a welcome sign for investors and display Bondora’s consistency in recovering missed payments throughout time.
You can always view missed payment recoveries and all other Bondora data at any time. Check out our real-time statistics to see not only recovery data on all Bondora missed payments, but loan history, returns data, and more.