A glance at Bondora’s governance and risk management

Our recent surveys showed that our investors would like to have a better understanding on how Bondora is managed and its risks mitigated. Therefore we will be sharing a lot of behind-the-scenes information on Bondora with our investors over the coming months through our blog and website.

Today we have put together a high level view on how governance and risk management is handled within Bondora.

  1. Bondora Management Board is overseen and appointed by the Supervisory Board that in turn is appointed by a Shareholder Meeting
  2. Day to day management is carried out by the Management Board
  3. Risk management is performed by the operational management of Bondora that includes specialists in credit risk assessment, market risk, IT security, operation risk and compliance
  4. The specific risk management responsibilities are delegated to heads of respective departments who report to the Bondora Board
  5. Risk management is further reviewed on a quarterly basis by the Supervisory Board
  6. Internal audit is reporting directly to the Supervisory Board and is carried out by PwC
  7. Annual IT audit is an integral part of annual financial audit by Deloitte

Bondora governance model
Bondora Risk Management

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