Category: Financial Well-being

Financial well-being is the ability to meet your current and ongoing financial obligations, feel confident in your financial future, and have the freedom to make choices that contribute to your overall happiness.

Lifestyle Creep: How to Avoid Falling Prey to It

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon to see people constantly upgrading their lifestyles as their incomes increase. This phenomenon is known as ‘lifestyle creep’ or ‘lifestyle inflation.’ While it may seem like a natural progression to indulge in finer things as you gain more money, succumbing to lifestyle creep can have serious financial consequences…
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6 Ways to Enjoy Your Holiday & Manage Your Financial Wellbeing

You must be counting down to your next annual leave this summer. And guess what? You deserve it! It's your chance to prioritize yourself, reflect on things, and set work aside to have a blast. But hold on a second – while holidays are thrilling, they can also drain your bank account if not planned…
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Yes, You Can! Seven Visualization Techniques to Manifest Financial Success

Visualizing your financial goals is a powerful technique that can help you develop positive saving habits and manifest your path to financial success. In this article, we’ll explore different visualization techniques and tools to help you visualize and grow your savings and investments. Visualization is a straightforward practice that involves setting a clear goal and…
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Debit vs. Credit Cards: Exploring the German Perspective

Debit or credit? When it comes to personal finance and managing our daily expenses, choosing between a debit card and a credit card can play a significant role. In Germany, a country known for its pragmatic financial practices, the preference for debit cards over credit cards is deeply ingrained. In this article, we'll delve into…
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Children & Pocket Money – What’s Right for Your Family?

Financial literacy is a critical skill that parents must instill in their children, as it's fundamental to navigating the complexities of modern life. But which approach is suitable for your children? Parents can teach their children about money by providing them with pocket money, either in exchange for chores or without any strings attached. Some…
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Let’s Talk about Financial Well-being and How to Get It

Have you ever decided not to sign up for a course, to cancel a trip, or to not send your children to a better school simply because you felt afraid that you'd run out of money? This could be a sign that you don't have a good level of financial well-being... yet. Luckily, it's something you…
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Five Essential Investing Tips You’ll Want to Use

Investing is one of the most effective ways to grow your wealth over time. But like anything regarding money, you have to do your homework. Investing money can be risky, but there are effective ways to make it safer. Discover helpful, practical tips that can help you power up your financial future through investing. What…
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Teach Your Children Good Money Habits in Fun Ways

As a parent, you undoubtedly want your children to thrive in all aspects of life, including financially. While luck can play a role, the habits they formed in their youth can pave the way to their financial success. Parents can set their children up for a brighter financial future by instilling positive money habits early…
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6 Life-Changing Productivity Tips to Work Less & Earn More

Your key to success could be improved productivity. Why? Well, if you want to be better off financially, there are only two things you can do: cut spending or increase your earnings. However, it seems that this rule doesn’t account for one crucial aspect — time. You can’t work more (for example, on an after-work…
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How to Take Care of Yourself on the Road to Financial Freedom

Achieving financial freedom is a journey that requires discipline, hard work, and dedication. While you can automate many tasks (including investmentts), most of the work will involve rolling up your sleeves and getting things done. How can you stay healthy and sane when the pressure to achieve your financial goals is rising? Use these helpful…
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