These days, it’s harder and harder to spend hours learning about financial topics from a 300-page book. Instead, more compact on-the-go forms of learning are becoming the go-to for people. This trend is also influencing the world of finance, where there are more great resources coming out of podcasts, blogs, and YouTube video series, than ever before.
Let’s take a look at a few financial resources for you to step up your financial knowledge and take it to the next level.
This UK-based blog is geared toward putting you on the path to financial freedom; however, unlike the F.I.R.E. movement and other fast-paced strategies, Monevator advocates getting rich slowly. It provides a more realistic, easy-to-digest way to reach your financial goals, no matter what they might be.
“This isn’t a Get Quick Rich hangout. If anything, it’s a Get Rich Slow backwater. The truth is, most of us won’t get rich quick. Over 99.99% of us won’t buy a winning lottery ticket, or have the next cash-strapped Bill Gates ask us for £1,000 for a 50 percent share of his new company, or invent the alternative to oil, or buy shares with the skills of legendary investor Warren Buffet.”
This German blog and podcast combination is an excellent place for both audio and written financial resources. The resources are geared mainly toward German natives, and in doing so, are a great way to find more locally relevant financial information. They have more of a focus on fintech and modern financial tools, including peer-to-peer lending, robo-advisors, and more.
“You have decided: “It won’t go on like this with my money! I’ll do it myself now”. No more bank consultants, no insurance agents, no more financial service providers who advertise the highest quality of advice, but still fail to deliver a reasonable return. Just how do you start? Who can explain to me in simple terms what is important when it comes to investing?”
Dave Ramsey

Maybe one of the most well-known names in the world of personal finance is Dave Ramsey. He has a slew of free resources and tools on his website, including a blog, podcast, videos, and more. If you can ignore the bombardment of advertisements for paid services, Ramsey’s site does provide a wealth of knowledge on how to manage your money, reduce your debt, and work your way toward the financial life you’ve always wanted.
“We believe our work matters. Why? Because our work is about you. So whether you’re up to your eyeballs in debt, praying for a miracle, wanting to take your small business to the next level, or spending your days in a dead-end J-O-B—there’s hope. No matter what it is you’re working through, we’ve got a solution. It’s time to face the storms of life head-on. We can do this . . . together.”
Finance Optimum
This UK-based YouTube account provides more macroeconomic information and resources than any other. Geared toward the European Union, viewers get a better sense of what is going on in the regional economy, its history, and how it could affect them. Finance Optimum hopes to make you more intelligent when it comes to financial matters, empowering more people in their financial lives.
“Intelligent citizens are difficult to control. The more intelligent you are, the more likely you will know what the real issues are and that you are being fed (pardon the pardon) a bunch of crap by a bunch of, shall we say degenerate, psychopaths.”
10×10, a Swiss-based financial resource, provides the most up-to-date financial and economic information available. But it doesn’t stop there. 10×10 breaks down what is happening in the world of finance and makes it relatable and easy to understand. The blog also has a magazine you can register for and have delivered to your inbox for even more in-depth economic analysis.
“With the corona pandemic, digitization has become even more relevant—also in the financial industry. Be it for addressing customers, portfolio management, or to help investors make better decisions. The focus is on a holistic view of wealth.”
Diversify your learning
Even if you already have a personal finance blog or podcast you enjoy, it’s always a good idea to branch out and learn more from other people. You diversify your investments, so it only makes sense to diversify your financial learning as well. This way, you can benefit from a wide range of ideas and thoughts across the spectrum and not limit yourself to one school of thought.
If, for instance, you enjoy reading a blog that focuses on budgeting and managing your expenses, it would also benefit you to search for another outlet to learn more about investing and where to put your savings. This is a great way to make you more well-rounded in your financial knowledge.