Growth across all investment products in July 🥳

July is the second month since things have gone back to normal for Go & Grow, and it’s looking good for everyone’s favorite investment product. We’ve seen a sharp rise in Go & Grow investments, rising from €248,543 in June to €959,901. After maintaining the net return of up to 6.75%* p.a. throughout the crisis period, investors are clearly keen to add more money to Go & Grow again.

The second half of the year started with strong growth across all investment products - Bondora
The second half of the year started with strong growth across all investment products.

Although we expected to see a decline across our other products because of Go & Grow’s inevitable increase, July indicated positive growth across the board for Bondora. With a spectacular overall growth rate of 51.1%, things are looking encouraging for the second half of the year.

Value of investments by product - July - Bondora
Value of investments by product – July

July’s 51.1% increase across investments certainly made up for last month’s 37.2% decline. This impressive growth brings the total amount invested by all the Bondora products up to €3,037,495. Like last month, Go & Grow had the biggest increase (286.2%), but the API isn’t holding back and doubled from €76,668 in June to €153,767 in July.

When you look at the chart for July, it looks like an almost equal split between Go & Grow, Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro. But despite the growth spurt Go & Grow is experiencing, it’s Portfolio Pro that has the biggest share of funding for July with €977,663. But it’s only leading by a small margin.

Go & Grow is in second place with €959,663 and Portfolio Manager has the 3rd biggest share with €946,164. With the current growth outlook, however, it’s likely that Go & Grow will take the biggest share in August. 

Strong sustainable growth

With an almost equal share amongst the three biggest products, Bondora is maintaining sustainable growth across the board. We continue to deliver on the net return of up to 6.75%* p.a. for Go & Grow investors, and are feeling very optimistic about the rest of the year. Learn more about the different Bondora investment options here.

Simpler investing? Right this way 🡪

Investing should be easy and simple. At least, that’s what we believe at Bondora. And we’re always working to make investing with us even easier than it already is. That’s where our new, streamlined dashboard comes in.

With this dashboard, you can see all the key information that you want to see from the second you log on. #Efficient. You’ll see your returns, the invested amount in your account, your goal progress, etc. We’ve also added a Wallet feature that shows the total amount available for you to withdraw.

Knowing what is going on in your account has never been this easy -Bondora
Knowing what’s going on in your account has never been this easy

Although we can’t wait to introduce you to this streamlined dashboard, this update isn’t live yet. But don’t worry, it’s coming soon 🤩

Can’t wait? Read more about it here.

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