How to withdraw from Go & Grow

One of the benefits of Go & Grow is faster liquidity. That means you can cash out your investment at any time and with minimal effort. Let’s walk through the steps of how to withdraw from Go & Grow.

You can withdraw money from your Go & Grow account in just a few easy steps:

  • Once logged in, click the Withdraw tab on the left main menu
  • Select Go & Grow
  • In the ‘From’ section, select the Go & Grow account from which you want to withdraw
  • In the ‘To’ section, choose where you want to send the money; it can be your verified bank account or your Bondora Wallet
  • Enter the amount, then click ‘Confirm.’
  • A verification code will be sent to your mobile phone, and you can enter the pin code on the next page.
  • The money will be sent to your account instantly, but it may take up to 3 business days, depending on your bank.

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