Investments Stabilize at over €11M in August

In August, a total of €11,340,100 was invested on Bondora. This is the first month that we’ve seen a decline (-2.5%) after 5 months of continuous growth. Exactly one year ago in August 2020, we also saw a dip in investments. We can only speculate what the reason is for this anomaly in August, but based on historic data, we expect the numbers to pick up again soon.

Investments stabilize at €11M in August.
Investments stabilize at €11M in August.

In August, 2,155 new investors joined Bondora, bringing the total number of investors to 172,809 people. Over €472M has been invested, and investors have earned more than €55M in returns over the last 13 years.

€11,584,049’s worth of loans were originated in August. It was also the first time in 8 months that we had a decline in loan originations—albeit only a slight dip of 2%. Estonia continues to be the biggest stakeholder, but its percentage share did decrease slightly to 63.4%. The Finnish market, on the other hand, increased to 36.6%. With Spanish loans set to restart soon, it would be intriguing to see how these shares will be split from September onwards.

In August, transactions on the Secondary Market went in the opposite direction compared to July. In fact, the value of Secondary Market transactions more than doubled! Coming in at a total of €338,235.94, this is the highest value of transactions since January 2021. Huge increases across the API, Manual transactions, and Portfolio Manager are behind this growth spurt.

August was another stellar month for our collection and recovery efforts. Over €1 million was recovered—€1,020,102 to be exact. The number of recoveries didn’t increase as much, but still, the 15.3% growth in cash recovered is far more significant. August was also the first month where the largest percentage of cash recovered did not come from Estonia. This month, Finland had the highest share of cash recovered, totaling €482,755.

Investments stabilized with €11,340,100 financed on the platform. This is the first time in the last 5 months that we didn’t see an increase in investments. However, compared to August 2020’s €2,763,081 total investment, we’re very satisfied with August 2021’s numbers. Product funding grew across all products, except for Go & Grow, which had a 3.3% decline in investments.

In a nutshell:

We ended the summer with slight decreases across loan originations and investments but saw a high uptick in collections. With over €1M recovered from defaulted loan customers, this is good news for investors across the board. Secondary Market transactions also bounced back in popularity, with over €338,235.94 transacted during August.

If you enjoy these breakdowns, follow our blog for weekly, more in-depth analyses of the Bondora market. Every month we take a detailed look at aspects like:

  • Loan originations
  • Collection and Recoveries
  • Product funding
  • Secondary Market

So, stay tuned to better determine your investment strategy, loan portfolio preferences, and more. 

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