Our CEO and founder Pärtel Tomberg was among the panelists at last week´s largest online lending event in Europe – LendIt Europe 2015. The panel was called „Opportunities in Continental Europe” and the video is now publicly available.
Here is our summary of the key thoughts from the discussion:
- Institutional money is starting to flow into platforms as the industry matures.
- Institutional involvement is the ultimate assurance and quality stamp if a platform passes their due diligence. This provides better security for retail investors than being regulated would.
- auxmoney is staying true to its German roots and is not planning to expand to other regions rather diversify its product offerings. Rest of the panel thinks that expansion to other regions is what can be our ultimate advantage over traditional banks and their branch network.
Panel “Opportunities in Continental Europe“ with moderator Robert Stafler (Fintex Capital) and panelists Raffael Johnen (auxmoney), Charles Egly (Prêt d’Union), Pärtel Tomberg (Bondora), Dr. Dominik Steinküehler (Lendico) and David Hanf (smava). (Source: LendIt Europe 2015)