Monthly origination summary for January 2017

January was a strong month for originations. Bondora issued €3,233,045 in new loans as we came within €105,525 of matching our all-time record high. “C” Rated loans comprised the greatest share at 23,57% of the total. “E” and “HR” rated loans represented the next largest category at 16,55% and 17,09% respectively. As the world of marketplace lending continues to develop, more investors are becoming confident in the technology.

Loan origination by country

Estonia continues to lead in originations capturing 62,98% of the total. Finland and Spain earned 24,22% and 12,80% respectively. Estonia remains popular with investors due to its diversity among ratings. This is the only country to offer opportunities across nearly all ratings from “A” to “F.” The numbers for January represent an increase in Estonia’s share compared to December of 2016 where the country picked up 50% of originations.

Share by country – January 2017
Country Interest Amount Share
ESTONIA 20,79% 2036225 62,98%
SPAIN 98,01% 413735 12,80%
FINLAND 45,38% 783085 24,22%

Loan origination by rating

The “A” and “AA” rated loans together represent 4,88% of all originations. As we discussed in a recent post, many conservative investors have asked why more of their investments have not gone to these lower risk borrowers. The figures for January show that the popularity of higher rated loans means there are fewer opportunities to share among investors.

  • The higher risk “HR” loans continue to deliver outsized interest in return for the higher chance of default or missed payments. Spain and Finland’s “HR” loans offered strong returns of 105% and 73% respectively. The next highest opportunity for earning power was Finland’s “F” rated loan at 48%.
  • The weighted average return across the “A” through “B” rated loans in Estonia was 13,71%. This is slightly lower than the same measurement in December of 2016 where the return reached 13,85%. January’s figure still represents a respectable return for lower risk.
  • The interest of 25,80% on Estonia’s “D” rated loans crept up over the 25,40% investors earned for the same segment of the market in December of 2016.
Share by country and rating – January 2017
Rating Interest Amount Share Interest Amount Share Interest Amount Share
AA 10,62% 38000 1,18%
A 11,40% 119625 3,70%
B 14,33% 444280 13,74%  21,87%  850  0,03%
C 18,99% 716145 22,15% 19,97% 46060 1,42%
D 25,80% 371775 11,50% 29,07% 126640 3,92%
E 31,33% 308765 9,55% 33,83% 8775 0,27% 35,19% 226310 7,00%
F 35,38% 37635 1,16% 41,54% 37595 1,16% 48,19% 198080 6,13%
HR 105,32% 367365 11,36% 73,12% 185145 5,73%

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