Most Loan Originations and Investments of 2022, a Portfolio Sale, & More!

2022 ended strong with impressive numbers across our portfolios. December had the highest loan originations and investment figures, over €1M in recoveries, and more! Read more about the most important December statistics:

Most loan originations and investments of 2022, a default portfolio sale, & more.

In December, 1,500 new investors joined Bondora. Investors have earned more than €88M in returns on their total investment amount of over €713M!

December 2022

Loan originations

For the last month of 2022, loan originations skyrocketed by 14.2% from November. A total of €16,107,253 was originated. This is the highest origination figure for 2022! Finland had the most significant increase, climbing by 19.7%, totaling nearly €10M. Estonia followed with a 9.25 increase to just over €5M. Spain had a slight decrease of 2% but still managed to originate €1,151,096’s worth of loans.

The Netherlands loan market is still temporarily closed, but we hope to re-open in Q1 2023. This is vital to ensure we only expand in markets that offer good-quality loan portfolios for our investors. Due to risk model updates, the overall average interest rate dropped from 21.7% to 19.9% across all active loan markets.

Secondary Market

After following months of overall decreases, the Secondary Market surprised us in the last month of the year with a dramatic increase of 86.3%. A total of €150,287 was transacted on the Secondary Market between investors.

And all the categories had activity increases. The largest jump came from Portfolio Manager transactions. They increased by 369.8%. Manual transactions followed with a 114.5% increase. And the API trailed with a solid 19.8% increase. Manual transactions still make up the overwhelming majority, with €107,644’s worth of transactions.

Recovery and collection

The December collection and recovery figures will be an outlier in the year. This is due to the finalizing of a defaulted Estonian loan portfolio sale. You will remember we had a similar successful sale in April. Of course, this meant that overall collections, and Estonian collections, skyrocketed.

A total of €1,855,570 was recovered, translating to a total of 82,943 loans. Due to the sale in December, most cash and loans were recovered from Estonia. The sale totaled €1,437,597. In Finland, cash recoveries decreased by 22.0% to €367,640. Spain’s cash recovery figures decreased by 34.6% to €50,272.

No recoveries are made in the Netherlands, as it’s a brand-new market. The 2014-2022 recovery rate ended the year at 48.0%, declining slightly from 48.3%.

Investment product funding

Mirroring the loan originations increase, investment product funding also increased with gusto. Investments jumped by 14.7% to a total of €16,050,542. This is also the highest figure for investments we’ve seen this year!

Go & Grow made up €15,555,370. This is 96.9% of all investments. Portfolio Manager followed with €288,806, a 1.8% share, then Portfolio Pro with €204,301, a 1.3% share, and the API with €1,975.

Go & Grow                       + 14.6%

Portfolio Manager          + 17.1%

Portfolio Pro                    + 12.0%

API                                     + 3.3%

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