Here at Bondora, we have a legal team of experts that ensures we dot our i’s and cross our t’s in exactly the right way. And one member of that vital team is Mihkel Kivisalu, Bondora Lawyer, and our 23rd Bondora Superhero. Keep reading to learn more about Mihkel’s life in and outside the office. Let’s swoop right in!

Bondora Superheroes #23 — Mihkel Kivisalu
👨 Bondorian since: 2021
📖 Role: Lawyer
🔍 Team: Legal & Compliance
I joined Bondora in November 2021. I previously worked as an attorney, but wanted to try something different. To me, the Fintech industry seemed intriguing. It’s very innovative, fast-growing, and ambitious, with many opportunities to learn. A position opened at Bondora, I applied, and here I am.
A typical day for Mihkel:
My day can’t start without a good breakfast, most likely porridge. Then I’m off to work. I usually have morning meetings and tackle my main tasks, followed by more meetings. My role involves reviewing agreements between old and new partners and other parties, so I use several different skills. Basically, I am a hybrid lawyer functioning within different teams, helping them with various legal tasks and leading different projects on the legal side.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Knowing that my input can have a significant impact on the bigger picture.
What’s your favorite Bondora value?
‘Keep it simple’, is my favorite value. I believe it’s also important to think broader in terms of business.
What is your random, odd, or unique but useful talent?
Working through a problem and coming out the other side with a solution.
If you could study anything again, what would you choose?
As a kid, I wanted to become an attorney and later decided I wanted to work in the Fintech sector. I’m happy with my decision to go to law school and would not change it.
What is your best investment advice?
Think for yourself. Learn about the market (chosen stock) and know it better. Invest and try not to be overly emotional. Hold and be cool. Wealth does not come overnight.
Mihkel’s must-read book:
I really like Jordan B Peterson and recommend his most recent book, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life. He offers a fascinating insight into human thinking and how to live life to the fullest.
Let’s get personal
If you could, what advice would you give your younger self?
Be brave and trust that it will work out.
Should pineapple be allowed on pizza?
Yup, it is a must for some pizzas.
What’s your favorite TV show?
I haven’t had much time to watch TV recently, but overall, I really enjoy good quality drama series. Though, Peaky Blinders and Westworld are two series that come to mind.
What’s the phone app that you use the most?
Probably stock apps and Messenger.
How many times do you hit the snooze button, or do you wake up immediately in the morning?
Usually only once, but I try my best to get up after the first alarm. It still takes some practice 😄
What’s something you want to do but scares you?
To go on a scary amusement park ride. I really don’t like them, but I think it could be fun.
And finally, what are some of your hobbies?
I like to travel (though I wish I could do it more often) and spend time with my family. Recently, I took up day trading stocks, and now I’m learning that.
That’s all for today’s post! We’ll see you again in August as we get to know our next Bondora Superhero 🦸
The views and opinions expressed in this article are that of the individual and not Bondora’s official view.