The first thing you probably noticed is faster loading times. We did some cool techie stuff to enable faster loading of these pages whether on your desktop or mobile. You don’t have to wait as long to see how your portfolio is doing or do things like activate the Portfolio Manager or update and rebalance your portfolio. We are all for time saving here.
What you see on the Dashboard is now simplified to show just Account Value, Net Profit, Net Return and Portfolio Value. Our Portfolio Value is calculated as Outstanding Principal less overdue principal. All these things and Available Funds are all that show on the new Dashboard header.
Here’s what that looks like:So where is the rest of the info that was on the old Dashboard?
All the other info that was there before like Reserved Funds, Pending Offers, Deposits and WIthdrawals are all available under that More Stats button up on the upper right of the new Dashboard. Just click there and you will find what you need.
The portfolio manager is listed both in the header and below to make it easier to start, stop, pause or resume investments with it. You told us it was too tough to find and change while in the Dashboard so now it’s right in front, more streamlined and simplified.
Track Your Account Activity More Easily
Just below the header on the right, you can see all your Account Activity over the last 24 hours. You can see payments made and click over to see payments not made too. This is going to be a time saver too as you can see what your Account Activity looks like right away. It’s pretty cool.
What Else is New?
Sometimes you only have a few minutes here and there to login and see how your account is doing. We wanted you to find what you want as easily as possible so the most recent weekly video and the 3 most recent blog posts from the Bondora blog are all showing there in the Dashboard for you to view and read at your leisure. You can get the most out of our site while you are on it and then get back to work or fun quickly by this streamlined setup on the Dashboard.
Bondora’s goal with this new Dashboard is to have it now be Command Central for all things you want to access on the site. Want to watch a video? It’s there. Want updated blog posts? It’s there. Want to compare portfolio strategies? That’s there too.
The key component of all of these things you may want on the site are now all available in the new Dashboard. Tell us below in the comments. Do you like the changes?