Despite small decreases, there was still a large number of investments and loans originated in May. Both were in the €19 million ballpark, which is still some of the highest monthly amounts we’ve seen recently. Collections and recoveries also jumped sky-high, with over €1.7 million in cash payments recovered. Here are more stats from May:

987 new investors joined Bondora in May. In the same month, investors earned over €3M in returns, and the total investment amount increased by €18M!

Loan Originations
In May, the loan originations totaled €19,376,714. This is a small 4.2% decrease from April’s €20,216,799.
All the markets originated less, except for the Netherlands, which more than doubled to €1,833,049 loans. This is the first time we’ve originated over €1M in the Netherlands in a month. Achievement unlocked!
Finland accounted for most of all originations, with €13,554,166, declining by 8.6%. Estonian originations declined again by 9.6% to €3,835,252. The Dutch market continues to rise exponentially, growing by 106.5%. Spain decreased once again by 40.0% to €154,247. This is expected, as we’ve temporarily closed the market to most new originations as we monitor data to change our internal risk-scoring models. You can read more about that here.
Finnish loans, once again, have the majority, with a 70.0% share. Estonia follows with 19.8%, the Dutch market with 9.5%, and Spain with 0.8%.
The average loan interest rate remained virtually unchanged at 20.2%.
Loan risk ratings and split per country
As we’ve discontinued the investment funding and originations blog series, we’ll now include those graphs here so you can easily compare them and don’t miss any valuable information:

For more in-depth statistics, you’re welcome to view them on our general statistics page for daily updated figures.
Investment product funding
In May, investments declined slightly by 4.0% to a total investment of €19,304,598. Despite the decline, this is the third-highest investment figure in 2023. This is partly thanks to the Go & Grow monthly investment limit being raised to €700 in May.
Due to the closure of Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro, we’ll now only see API and Go & Grow in this chart and can expect a similar split each month:

One of the reasons why investments were predominantly funded to Go & Grow was due to a technical glitch on our side with the API. At the time of writing, our team was still busy fixing it. But we hope to have the API running smoothly again soon.
Secondary Market
Activity on the Secondary Market decreased once again. This transaction decline is natural given that Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro have closed, and there’s less need to make these transactions. Overall activity fell by 31.8%, equaling €86,916 worth of transactions.
The API decreased by 13.4%, and Manual transactions by 43.5%. At a 50.4% share, manual transactions still have the largest share, but the API is gaining with its 49.6% share.

Collection and Recovery
May was an exceptional month for Bondora’s collection and recovery efforts. There were increases across the board, including an overall increase of 2.8% from April. A total of 92,528 loan payments were recovered. Cash recovery inclined by a mammoth 100.3% totaling €1,778,801 being recovered.
Remaining consistent with previous statistics, most cash and loan payments were recovered from Estonia, with €1,285,210 cash and 42,504 payments being recovered. In Finland, cash recoveries increased by 28.6% to €445,683. Spain’s cash recovery figures also boomed, climbing by 27.2%, totaling €47,907. There’s been no need for recovery efforts in the Netherlands.
The 2014-2023 recovery rate remained stable with a slight increase, growing from 52.4% in April to 52.9% in May. Similarly, 2023’s recovery rate increased slightly, at 91.2%, compared to 72.4% in April.
As the year progresses, the recovery rate will likely decline again unless we continue to see impressive recovery statistics.

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