The road to €10M: Record-breaking originations in December!

Bondora shattered its own loan origination record for a single month, with €8,448,570 in loans issued over the month of December – more than a 7% increase over the previous month. Investments in all product categories across Bondora rose, displaying rising trust from investors and their confidence in Bondora to deliver.

Origination data - December 2018

2018 Full Year Data

Funding data - December 2018

December 2018 Data

When compared to November, the percentage share of investment across products on the Bondora platform was relatively unchanged. The only minor shift was a slight 1% increase in Portfolio Pro share to 22% of total investment, taking a small get away from Portfolio Manager, which dropped to 20% of total investment.

Bondora origination data - November 2018

November 2018 Data

Bondora origination data - December 2018

December 2018 Data

A Year in Review

2018 was a banner year for Bondora, one in which loan originations grew to record levels. Total investment in Bondora over 2018 came out to €61,503,921, a gain of 75.9% year-over-year. Additionally, the introduction of Go & Grow in June gave investors a brand new product with which to invest. In just 7 short months, Go & Grow has already become the most popular investment vehicle for Bondora investors who invested €22,479,870 in Go & Grow over that time.

For the year, Go & Grow tallied a 37% share of all investments, slightly above Portfolio Manager at 35%. Portfolio Pro warranted 27% of total investment, while API investment remained a minor portion of investment at 1% (rounded).

A New Year Presents New Opportunities

Whether you are a long-time Bondora investor, or just checking-out the platform for the first time, 2019 presents a great opportunity to invest more capital into Bondora, providing liquidity and solid returns* for your portfolio.

Not even one year old, the Go & Grow works perfectly for newer investors looking to get into peer-to-peer lending for the first time. If you are looking to have a bit more control over the loans you are investing in, try out Portfolio Manager which is designed to provide a middle ground of automation and investor-control. Portfolio Pro will work for those who are more skilled and knowledgeable about the type of loans they are looking to add to their portfolio, and users can select from a variety of filters to find the perfect loans for them. Meanwhile, the API option allows maximum customization for programmers and professional investors looking to test out their investment strategies on the Bondora platform.

What are you waiting for? Check out Bondora’s product offerings today!

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75%. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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